Monday, June 2, 2008

ah, harsh guilt-tripping canine

Ok so weirdest thing ever, I just clicked on my name on a blog comment to get back here to write this entry, and it linked me to my profile, which upon looking at/reading which I've never actually done - is kind of boring, but hey, I don't care, if you want to know about me, that's what my blogs here for, duh. But anyway on the side its all like "26 profile views" ohmygod! I havent even told 26 people I have a blog. That is pretty damn cool. But really, who is reading my profile? If anyone is reading this, hello! and drop me a comment I'd love to hear from you :)

Anyway, specifically for Jack: when you write your comment, if you click "name and URL" instead of Anonymous, and then write whatever you want in the name button and leave the URL section blank, that is the way that you comment that is not annonymous. Not that it matters but eh.

In respect to bitching, I do see that it holds a place as venting and thats why it's not helpful to do it to the person's face, and i guess i kinda realised that more since Saturday night, but in my situation, if someone directly asks me whether i was bitching, I'm not going to lie, I wouldnt want someone to lie to me.
What does irritate me though, is that the people that will bitch about person A with person B and then tell person A what person B said whilst bitching about Person B, that's beyond venting. That's bitchy shit and it causes trouble.
And what fucks me off even more, is that these people are all on their high horses at me for what I did. hipocrit fuckers.
Especially when you were bitching about that person to me, when you told me the comment she made that led to me being so pissed off in the first place.
And now your bitching about me to her.
It's purely ridiculous.
you being, aimed at a particular person, but of course I'm not going to name them.

Anyway, away from bitching because it's lay-em and boring.

I've been exercising alot of late. Ok i lie, i have been exercising minimally of late but in comparison to my normal level of exercise which is running with friends on Friday nights (We call ourselves Friday Night Running Crew cause we're lame and all go-team! like that) Anyway's, my Pa's gone away for like a month and my dog Maggie is like border-collie cross Cattle dog so she's all Supercalafragaexercise like. But my Pa works on a farm so he takes her out there everyday so she's a well exercised well satisfied dog. But he's away, so the plans all *deflates* and on friday I was like aw Maggie I promise I'll take you for a walk tomorow, because i make promises with my dog ok, I've never said I was sane, we play hide and seek too, bite me. Anyway then saturday came and I finished work and was all Ahh computer, my first love. and Mum's like, didn't you promise maggie you'd take her for a walk? and it was like Aw man, I'd just stripped to my knickers and taken my hair out, I was comfortable! So I'm all, eh she's forgotten look. and of course Maggie hears me talking, and evidently unforgot and ran over and was all looks at me. Ergh. So, true to my word (to my dog, wtf) we went for a run, and I actually ran all of the way except like stopping to put her on the lead when there was other dog's. Now I'm not going to be one of those people like, oh and the running, it feels so good, every time i put a foot down and my lungs feel like they're collapsing its so orgasmic! and my knee's are all jelly and ow and I can barely breathe and I'm sweating like a motherfucker and it's like OH YEAH! WHO NEEDS SEX WHEN I CAN RUN!!. because i choose to believe, that those people are pretentious, and lying. Lying! I have to argue with my mind to keep running, but when I finish running, it's a really good feeling, and I just feel generally happier for the rest of the day. And I know I'm just a little bit fitter which helps. But yeah then I got home today and she looked at me like, wow I'm bored sure would be nice if someone would take me for a run *Wink* and it's like ergh, Maggie, so we went for another walk! the second in three days! please don't faint! Since school is stressful and exhausting I opted to amble rather then run, but it was still nice and it's still exercise that i can now brag about on my blog and almost be like one of those pretentious people, that run so much that it's worthwhile to invest in ipod holders for their arms and they only eat yoghurt and water and they pronounce it yogg-it because i make stereotypes in my mind like that :)

Yo, Jack said in his comment that my stories make him laugh, and Joey always tells me that he loves listening to me talk and I was talking to my school counsellor today (come on, I blog, you had to realise I was messed up right?) and I was telling the story of walking to school and my Dad giving me a lift and he couldnt stop laughing and he's like man I love your stories theyre so funny etc etc and it's like wow I'm impressing even a counsellor, I rock! In actuality i think my stories are quite boring but that's probably because i already know them/actually experienced them so it's not like SURPRISE-TWIST-ENDING!! but still, it's great when someone gives you a compliment and then it's repeated across people because then it's like, woo I'm good at something :):) the post button! xLiv


  1. where is my comment damn it?

  2. no, no, no, i mean i posted a comment about your blog and it hasn't shown up :.S

    I like it, your blog is so true, those people are fucking retarted, like ally and shit.

    You almost inspired me to excersise, but then again, i've got red hair :P

    And you are a good talker, i love listening to your stories, you're amazing :)

    I had a crazy dream last night, i'll tell you at school.

    love you.

  3. to zomg i am less noob now :D and yay! two mentions much! how excitment for me.
    running kills me on the inside of late, incase u wanted to know, so im glad im not the only one. the endorphin overload at the end, followed by an extended spoonish sesh, however, makes it all so worth it! im vair proud of you latest running enthusiasm... lets hope it last til this friday!
    FNRC, Fuckers!
    and the thing with the stories is if you think them boring then of coarse you will jazz them up and make them interesting and of coarse, hilarious. whenever i see an email from you its like yes! good times ahead! cos it always makes me laugh so hard. and what do u mean no suprise twist endings! the ones u make up on the spot have the WEIRDEST, funniest endings quite possibly invented.
    can defo see you as a writer.
    [fiction, of coarse]

  4. i would have to agree, however late my comments, that you are indeed one great writer.

    i myself may be inspired to write a blog if it were not for me fear of appearing shit next to the talents of acclaimed others. lol



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