Monday, June 30, 2008


I took these pictures awhile ago on our year12 retreat, and I was looking at one of my friend's myspaces and saw them, so I figured I'd post them up here. The last one was a little rushed because my assistant principle was all, go to bed! and I was all one more!! let me play!! so many converse shoes in one location!! and she was all *exasperatedly glares*. Also there is a gumboot in one of them. Which is very symbolic and contains deep meaning. It wasn't because I ran out of converse shoe's. xxLivi


  1. very very cool...i like it...whats the significance of the gumboot? you must tell me :P
    love you

  2. lol there isn't dorkus, I ran out of converse shoe's

  3. sarcasm doesn't really work on the internet... X.| i thought the cheeky smily would symbolise that, but then again it's just a colon and the letter P.
    love you xx


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