Thursday, June 26, 2008

freaking baptists

Ok, so I have epically failed in my study regime this weekend. And I figure that the reason must be that I haven't written a blog. (I don't really figure that, I just wanted to write a blog because study can bite me)

It was mine and Joey's 6 month on Friday (well actually saturday, but we pretended it was friday, because it was more convenient) So he came over for the day after exams, and even though we fully intended to study, we ended up just hanging out and watching Haarp and having and awesome day. But anyway, cos Joey's totally freaking awesome he bought me the how I met your mother season 2 DVD and some lindt chocolates and i was like OMGORGASM!!
And so naturally most of my weekend has been spent watching only the awesomest show in the universe. Because, you know, it's awesome! And I got up to like the last 5 minutes of the last episode and my mum came in all up in my face about something and I was all the fuck, how i met your mother! except, I obviously don't swear at my mother. Ok so i do sometimes, but only when I'm really mad, so not then. And she was all ra!! I am ruining your life monster!! And proceeded to ruin my life by turning the tv off and fucking off with the remotes so I was kinda up the creek without the proverbial paddle in terms of watching the end of the season. Which goddamn is frustrating! Because, I know i know what happens at the end as we're well into the third series, but I hadn't actually seen that episode.

So anyway, mum and Anna went out to Stephen's mums for lunch today but I stayed at home so I could procrastinate about studying and she took the goddam remotes with her!! well, either that or she hid them very very well. And usually I can find the shit my mum hides, like the pens. Seriously Mum, I NEED PENS FOR SCHOOL. What's with that. So I have had a very very frustrating day. Because you can only play the dvd without the remote, you cant fastforward, select episodes or anything so I had to let the whole disc play through just to see the last 5 minutes of the season. Which I knew the plotline of anyway, but it bugs me too much to leave anything like that without finishing it.

Ok so new segment for my blog. Stupid thing Olivia did today.

My cousin Stacey is currently in Chile at the moment, cos she's been travelling around America for like 8 months and now she's staying with my Aunty who lives in chile. Anyway, I walked over to the computer with a nice refreshing glass of orange juice and noticed that Skype was flashing and there was a message from Stacey and in my excitement to type back I somehow forgot I was holding a glass of Orange Juice and just went to reply as if I had nothing in my hands. Logically, the glass dropped and Orange juice went EVERYWHERE. seriously. Computers are the worst things to try and get clean because it got in like all the spaces between the keys on the keyboard, and all over all my written work for extension english which kinda made me want to cry. And I'm not even joking when I said it went everywhere, I think someone needs to rewrite the laws of gravity because when you spill Orange Juice it doesn't head straight for the ground, it circles the whole fucking room, rubbing some of its sluttish self on every surface it can find. operator can I please get a direct line to Isaac Newton? No, not Iraq, Isaac. Yes I know newtown isn't in Iraq. No I don't want Newtown Sydney. Oh fuck it, fucking indian tele-companies.

I was browsing the internet as I usually do when I'm bored, Joey always asks me how I end up at places when I tell him about them, and I'm like I DONT KNOW. i just link and link and google and google and link and end up somewhere funny like a baby naming site or something. I don't keep a roadtrip log. But back to the point, I was reading something about The Duggars and people's comments on them, and it got me thinking, goddam American's are way more accepting then Australian's. Well actually, maybe it's just American's are way more accepting then me. I don't have any problems with people who are religious, or the way people choose to live their lives, but well, ok I do have a problem with the way people live their lives when they have 92847594387 children, homeschool them and raise them as identical twins socialising with a very small circle of select family friends all sleeping in two bedrooms. I'm sorry, but I think that's messed up. You might think birth control is wrong, but what I think is more wrong is neglecting children, and I really don't think it's possible that any two people, could have close loving relationships with 18 children, I don't think that they could possible find the time or energy to get to know their children, show them that they love them and bond with them. I think it's wrong when older children are expected to look after their younger siblings and do housechores instead of enjoying being kids. I think it's wrong that children don't get to experience going to school, which is about more then getting an education, it's about becoming socialised, and becoming and individual outside of your family. And what I HATE more then anything is religious superialism.

The Duggar's get up there and go on about God and how freaking awesome he is, and how great they are because they are doing what god wants and they are just freaking awesome like that with their 52 identical babies and freaking evangelise it like theres no tomorow, and that shits me off. Everyone has their own beliefs, and it's nobodies place to go around sprouting a holier-than-thou attitude trying to convert left right and centre. That fucks me off. Baptist Freaks.

This guy who is an arrogant paedophyllic jerk my uncle. Built his own church, because he is puritanical like that. Now what fucks me off is that he goes around at family events, preaching his bullshit and bragging about how god freaking awesome he is at being godly, and how he goes to africa and the middle of australia on these jesus missions, cos he's just that awesome. and godly. Yet, when my Opa (grandpa to the power of dutch) was sick, him and his wife were nowhere to be seen, it was the drinking cussing satanists that were there for him, nursing him day and night. When my uncle had a stroke and rung my godly uncle, because he lived closest, Godly uncle said to stroke-having uncle, well damn you sound fine, you can drive yourself to the hospital because I have church. Yeah that fucks me off. Be religious if you want, but don't shove it down peoples throats, and get your priorities right.

I have probably bored you all to death bitching, but hey I got it off my chest, hope your not asleep. xxLivi


  1. I think I love your mother.

  2. wow that wasa big one!
    gotta agree with ur statements bout the devoutly-devout ppl, they shouldnt be effing preachers. also where exactly do they get said messages of god and his will etc, and dont give me that bible shit fuckers cos that bitch is like 2000 years old, thats older than ur mum!


what do you think?