Monday, June 30, 2008


I took these pictures awhile ago on our year12 retreat, and I was looking at one of my friend's myspaces and saw them, so I figured I'd post them up here. The last one was a little rushed because my assistant principle was all, go to bed! and I was all one more!! let me play!! so many converse shoes in one location!! and she was all *exasperatedly glares*. Also there is a gumboot in one of them. Which is very symbolic and contains deep meaning. It wasn't because I ran out of converse shoe's. xxLivi

Sunday, June 29, 2008

how Ironical

Wanna know what's Ironic?

When you rip someone (your english teacher) off constantly (not to their face of course) about using a non existant and clearly grammatically incorrect term (Ironical) laughing at the Irony of someone specialising in english messing up english. Then you realise that the word actually exists, so in fact you are the
one(/s) that are being grammatically incorrect.


Wanna know what's irritating? of course you do. When news headlines are totally misleading. There was this headline on my homepage when I opened it just before and it was all "Pell open to abuse apology from Pope" and I was all omg wicked awesome, because in my head some awesome thing happened in which the pope abused pell (head bishop guy of Sydney) and now its all, bitch please. Like Pell was like, yo pope-ikins, that hat is damn fugly! fizzle. and the Pope's all :O how dare you! *punches him down* take that! pope hats FTW! and then Pell is like, hey media, I demand an apology! Like logically, it wasn't going to be that dramatic, but I imagined a kind of watered down version of some kind of controversy like that.

So anyway, I read it and it was just Pell saying that "the door was open" for the pope to apologise to people that had been sexually abused by members of the clergy.
Which is really kinda boring in comparison. And not at all breaking news, because we all know about the people that got abused by clergy people. It kinda seems a cop out anyway, like I'm sure it's the right thing for the pope to do, but part of me just thinks its all a bit diplomatic. I really doubt that the pope cares all that much to be honest, he's not going to be apologising out of the caringness of his heart, he's just going to be apologising because he should, and it's his position. And I doubt that's going to mean anything to the people that were messed with by priests. And you could kind of follow why it would be an empty apology, it's not like the pope actually did anything, some priests being complete sick fucks is really messed up, but I don't think it had anything to do with some old german guy. That's just my opinion, and i guess theres no harm in him apologising so whatever.

I'm at school at the moment, because my religion exam just ended and I have time to kill before my economics teacher gets here to talk to me about economics. which should be joyful. I don't know why I chose to do an online subject but it definately involved a grave over-estimation of my own organisational skills. Mr Core has been going on about coming down here to meet up with all us "Hunter students" for like, ever. And he wanted to do it on any of a variety of dates which all fell in my schools exam period. Which to be honest, didn't bother me at all, because economics is boring. very boring. So I was like, damn, I can't come if it is those dates, I have exams. And he kept mentioning it and I kept replying the same as above, because I can't very well go to newcastle for an economics meeting on a day when I should be sitting one of my trials, as they are kinda going towards my Uni mark. This would have been a very nice coincidence, in which I have to spend no time going over the economics work, which being my worst subject is probably not going to be counted anyway. But no, he emailed my librarian and they worked out for him to come here after my exam. Which major sucks. Well it's nice, and probably helpful, but I reserve the right to whine about being stuck at school.

Also, what is with a 20mark question on Christian Marriage? Who can talk about Christian Marriage for that long? Not me. The two 6 mark questions on Jewish Ethics and Moses Maimonides totalled a lot longer of a response then the huge one on Christian Marriage.

The problem with getting up going straight to an exam, writing in silence for, like ever, and then coming straight to write a blog is that it leaves little to write about. One is limited when undertaking an exam, in their ability to encounter a toss of the day, make witty observation or become particularly outraged at anything or anyone in particular. Furthermore, One is not even left the opportunity to do something of notable stupidity, beyond stupid exam mistakes, which are boring. It's a conspiracy my fellow blogging friends, this rising movement of exams has a sadistic hidden purpose, set on destroying blogs forever!! We will make a stand!!

err, economics guy is here, have to make that stand later xLivi

Thursday, June 26, 2008

freaking baptists

Ok, so I have epically failed in my study regime this weekend. And I figure that the reason must be that I haven't written a blog. (I don't really figure that, I just wanted to write a blog because study can bite me)

It was mine and Joey's 6 month on Friday (well actually saturday, but we pretended it was friday, because it was more convenient) So he came over for the day after exams, and even though we fully intended to study, we ended up just hanging out and watching Haarp and having and awesome day. But anyway, cos Joey's totally freaking awesome he bought me the how I met your mother season 2 DVD and some lindt chocolates and i was like OMGORGASM!!
And so naturally most of my weekend has been spent watching only the awesomest show in the universe. Because, you know, it's awesome! And I got up to like the last 5 minutes of the last episode and my mum came in all up in my face about something and I was all the fuck, how i met your mother! except, I obviously don't swear at my mother. Ok so i do sometimes, but only when I'm really mad, so not then. And she was all ra!! I am ruining your life monster!! And proceeded to ruin my life by turning the tv off and fucking off with the remotes so I was kinda up the creek without the proverbial paddle in terms of watching the end of the season. Which goddamn is frustrating! Because, I know i know what happens at the end as we're well into the third series, but I hadn't actually seen that episode.

So anyway, mum and Anna went out to Stephen's mums for lunch today but I stayed at home so I could procrastinate about studying and she took the goddam remotes with her!! well, either that or she hid them very very well. And usually I can find the shit my mum hides, like the pens. Seriously Mum, I NEED PENS FOR SCHOOL. What's with that. So I have had a very very frustrating day. Because you can only play the dvd without the remote, you cant fastforward, select episodes or anything so I had to let the whole disc play through just to see the last 5 minutes of the season. Which I knew the plotline of anyway, but it bugs me too much to leave anything like that without finishing it.

Ok so new segment for my blog. Stupid thing Olivia did today.

My cousin Stacey is currently in Chile at the moment, cos she's been travelling around America for like 8 months and now she's staying with my Aunty who lives in chile. Anyway, I walked over to the computer with a nice refreshing glass of orange juice and noticed that Skype was flashing and there was a message from Stacey and in my excitement to type back I somehow forgot I was holding a glass of Orange Juice and just went to reply as if I had nothing in my hands. Logically, the glass dropped and Orange juice went EVERYWHERE. seriously. Computers are the worst things to try and get clean because it got in like all the spaces between the keys on the keyboard, and all over all my written work for extension english which kinda made me want to cry. And I'm not even joking when I said it went everywhere, I think someone needs to rewrite the laws of gravity because when you spill Orange Juice it doesn't head straight for the ground, it circles the whole fucking room, rubbing some of its sluttish self on every surface it can find. operator can I please get a direct line to Isaac Newton? No, not Iraq, Isaac. Yes I know newtown isn't in Iraq. No I don't want Newtown Sydney. Oh fuck it, fucking indian tele-companies.

I was browsing the internet as I usually do when I'm bored, Joey always asks me how I end up at places when I tell him about them, and I'm like I DONT KNOW. i just link and link and google and google and link and end up somewhere funny like a baby naming site or something. I don't keep a roadtrip log. But back to the point, I was reading something about The Duggars and people's comments on them, and it got me thinking, goddam American's are way more accepting then Australian's. Well actually, maybe it's just American's are way more accepting then me. I don't have any problems with people who are religious, or the way people choose to live their lives, but well, ok I do have a problem with the way people live their lives when they have 92847594387 children, homeschool them and raise them as identical twins socialising with a very small circle of select family friends all sleeping in two bedrooms. I'm sorry, but I think that's messed up. You might think birth control is wrong, but what I think is more wrong is neglecting children, and I really don't think it's possible that any two people, could have close loving relationships with 18 children, I don't think that they could possible find the time or energy to get to know their children, show them that they love them and bond with them. I think it's wrong when older children are expected to look after their younger siblings and do housechores instead of enjoying being kids. I think it's wrong that children don't get to experience going to school, which is about more then getting an education, it's about becoming socialised, and becoming and individual outside of your family. And what I HATE more then anything is religious superialism.

The Duggar's get up there and go on about God and how freaking awesome he is, and how great they are because they are doing what god wants and they are just freaking awesome like that with their 52 identical babies and freaking evangelise it like theres no tomorow, and that shits me off. Everyone has their own beliefs, and it's nobodies place to go around sprouting a holier-than-thou attitude trying to convert left right and centre. That fucks me off. Baptist Freaks.

This guy who is an arrogant paedophyllic jerk my uncle. Built his own church, because he is puritanical like that. Now what fucks me off is that he goes around at family events, preaching his bullshit and bragging about how god freaking awesome he is at being godly, and how he goes to africa and the middle of australia on these jesus missions, cos he's just that awesome. and godly. Yet, when my Opa (grandpa to the power of dutch) was sick, him and his wife were nowhere to be seen, it was the drinking cussing satanists that were there for him, nursing him day and night. When my uncle had a stroke and rung my godly uncle, because he lived closest, Godly uncle said to stroke-having uncle, well damn you sound fine, you can drive yourself to the hospital because I have church. Yeah that fucks me off. Be religious if you want, but don't shove it down peoples throats, and get your priorities right.

I have probably bored you all to death bitching, but hey I got it off my chest, hope your not asleep. xxLivi

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm not even going to speak about the Maths exam

because i procrastinate..

did you know?

the tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant the fuck!?!?! how does that work? that'd be some mad making out

the guy who played bugs bunny (the voice, not the bunny, there was no bunny) was allergic to carrots ahaha Irony, the most pleasing of all the language devices

about 50 bibles are sold every minute holy wow, who is buying them?

I mean I know all the cults seem to be loaded, but they arent allowed technology, they should have to rewrite their bibles. None of this printing business. Printing, what is printing? What industrial revolution?
I bet they're predominantly sold to people with kinky twisted incestuos fetishes. I don't think the incest porn market is particularly raging. Seriously though, has anyone read that bit with Lot and his horny freudian daughters. And he must have been a liking it too, I mean he did get drunk again the next night. Don't tell me he didn't remember it, I'd like to see an alcohol powerful enough to erase the memory of rooting your own daughter.

now THIS is the bit which really amused me, furthemore, The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.

AHA! Ima steal me some righteousness!! ok so lets see..though shalt not steal. Shit.

Moving on, mum and I went for coffee after exams today ( I don't drink coffee, she does, but saying I went for coffee sounds mature and chic, and I'm pretentious like that) Anyway, these two ladies were sitting at the table next to us, and one of them was just not shutting up. You know those people that are just, me me me me me ME me me you ME me me ME me. It was physically painful to listen to.

floral-shirted woman: And she just won't listen, and I say to her, you've got to listen and she won't but of course it's no point, it's fighting a losing battle. I said to her the other day, Mum you haven't been taking your medication! and she says yes I have I have! and I say no you havent and she says oh but I dont need it! *shakes head* losing battle, and you just wonder why you try you do, you just wonder. She's been worse of course, we've all seen her worse, why I was chatting to Mr sucks to be married to me and he agreed of course, but you just feel at your wits end! oh and we went out to my brothers oh yes he's quite the same he's completely in agreence, but he can't talk to her, just can't get the idea there! they've got a complete mind of their own!! completely! It's like talking to a brick wall!

three-tones-too-dark-panty-hose woman: m-

floral-shirted woman: completely pointless she is. See just the other day I says..

Olivia: *is pulling hair out*

I suspect she finds herself talking to a brick wall quite frequently.

Furthermore, I encountered a toss of the day yesterday.

Appointments were running behind time at the chiropractors and this girl was saying that she had to be at work at 5, like not overly worried or anything. And so Melanie the secretary was like oh ok, and then said to some other lady, excuse me mrs rectangle face do you mind if we put miss ponytail in before you, she has to be at work and mrs rectangle face was like *purses lips* oh well, I had somewhere to be too, but no no you put her in. And Melanie was all like, no no I'm very sorry, never mind. mrs rectangle: OH NO! I won't make it anyway, it's ok, I will wait, i do have to be somewhere but nevermind SELF SACRIFICE SELF SACRIFICE OH I AM WONDERFUL AND SO HARD DONE BY AND RECTANGULAR FACED. I mean it's just that when you have an appointment at 4.59 well, you just don't expect to be here at 5 do you. high false superiority laugh.


hate. hate hate. hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Either you let her go in front and shut your face about it, or you politely say you have somewhere to be and don't let her go in front and shut your face about it. Why does it have to be an attention seeking whine fest? And if you're going to let her go in front then why point out your big sacrifice, to make her feel uncomfortable? To guilt the receptionist, whose fault it obviously isn't. Fucker.


Monday, June 23, 2008

one down, six to go

Can you believe that trials have started and I'm still posting in this blasted journal? I'll blame Joey because he hasn't sent me that drama essay, but I know I'd be on here anyway.

I watched under the Tuscan Sun last night, after I'd completely fucked up my brain with last minute study untill there was no room left for fucking up further with last minute study, and though I'm not usually the one to review films, I really enjoyed it. It was just a really good kind of feel-good movie, it followed this woman who spontaneously moved to Tuscany and bought a house, and just lightly touched on some universal issues so as to be entertainingly accurate without too much challenge. Ie. just a nice girly kind of flick. And the scenery was so beautiful, makes me want to go to Italia way bad.

English Paper One this morning, thank god it's out of the way, although I get the impression that it's probably one of the easiest papers, considering it's an entire 2 hours on the concept of the journey. I'm thinking I actually did fairly well which makes me happy, I tend to go better in exams over assesments which is super.
My real aim, apart from getting the required mark for Uni, is to beat one particular person, who I have always revelled in beating, I have no doubt that the competition is returned though neither of us would ever admit it, and the fact that lately she's been kicking my butt in everything is major ouch material. So here's hoping for this one..
Also, I take a sadistic joy in hearing people say, Ohmygod I only got 2 texts analysed when I finished all 4 of them. Yessssss.
shut up, I never said I was a nice person.

short post though this may be, I have received the essay and hence must be gone, ciao Bella's x

Saturday, June 21, 2008

a plate of pickles please

I think I jinxed myself by telling that story about the carpark fiasco, fridays=subway after running with Friday Night Running Crew, and as my dog is a big exercise whore and my Pa is away leaving the burden of huge runs with me, Maggie has been coming with us, and so I have to tie her up outside subway while we eat, which I feel mega bad about because I treat my dog like a human. bite me. So thus I order her meatballs just in a salad base and take them out for her dinner. YES MY DOG EATS SUBWAY, WHATEVR. so last week it was a girl I used to play netball with and she was all lolz what the hell and laughing and whatever. And this week...the car park person was there!!
Man I didn't even know she worked at Subway, and I had to ask her for a plate of meatballs..for my dog. I don't know why that's a big deal BUT IT IS TO ME. and she was all ..a plate of pickles? Why would I want a plate of pickles? ,pre to the point, why would my dog want a plate of pickles?

It was my Oma's (Grandma to the power of dutch) birthday yesterday. I would've completely forgotten if I hadn't run into my Auntie and Uncle in McDonald's and I was all err? this isn't Parkes? And they were like, yeah we came up for the weekend for Oma's birthday. And I was like OH SHIT I...didnt forget? not at all.
Anyways then Anna rung and was like we're going out for Dinner tonight if you want to come, tonight being last night, and I was like yeah I can't cos I'd really rather spend my night with Joe then a table full of two-faced hipocrits, minus a select few I have trials. And then mum was all guilt guilt guilt. And I was like, goddamn i feel guilty. Then I rung her for her birthday:

Oma: hello
Me: Hi Oma!! Happy Birthday!!!
Oma: thankyou
Me: It's Olivia
Oma: ok, thankyou for calling darling, i love you bye
me: THE FUCK, you call that a phone conversation!?!?!

So yeah, guilt erased. I will however, share the text messages my cousin James sent to me during the night. We are each others salvation at these events and this is the only reason i regret skipping it:

Hey there it's ur cuz, who loves the ranga and where the hell are you?? I'm at the impy for Betsy and T your old man is apparently out so who know what u/joe are up 2.
about 5 minutes later And on top of that im stuck with the knob and geebe is shittier then a penguin in a desert, she is making a real scene

yeah so they cracked me up a fair bit and made me super wish that my phone wasn't fucked like a slut. seriously what the hell. Has anyone else got the new nokia and it doesnt send fucking text messages all of a sudden. Well what was the new nokia around 6 months ago, don't know if it still is. Point is. fucker!

thats all folks x

Friday, June 20, 2008


athletics carnival today! my last ever, which is both weird and kind of good. I think its my least favourite carnival, because short distance running is so blergh. my legs are too short for it or something. The 100metres is particularly complainable because its like, the gun goes and by the time I've realised we're supposed to be running everyones already at the end and im all jogs.
but get this, we got kicked off the 800metre race. seriously, here we are being all good and participaty and being brilliant examples for all those young impressionables and they were all meh, we don't have all day get off the course, just because we walked for a bit! I mean hello, you try running 800metres! it's stressful!
High Jump however was hi-larious. (or should i say HIGHlarious.baha.oki'llshutup)
Our school has pretty much never done high jump, but they employed a maths teacher this year who leads a secret second life as an awesome high-jumper, that wins high jump competitions and such. Athletics and maths, i know right? So I guess they then felt the need to include high jump to cure his home sickness or something. I don't know.
But none of us could even get over the lowest rung, and it looks kinda relatively easy, but then you start running at it its like holy fuck, and I dont know why, but it suddenly becomes petrifying, so theres screaming and you end up crashing into it at wacky angles. And mr math-jumper guy was all *tries to assist in our failing at life* "so which is your jumping foot?"
err *blank stare* I have a jumping foot? I mean I know I have a writing hand and all but, a jumping foot? isn't that a little extreme? next they'll be asking for my blowing nostril.
"can i have a tissue?"
"sure, are you left or right nostrilled?"
"oh im a leftie!"
"ahk you'll want this one then"

I really don't have too much time to waste because, TRIALS, so I'll finish this up, and sorry for the short reply but bite me, write your own entertainment. :) x

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I think my addiction to the lame computer games is FINALLY over. I went from freecell to solitaire to hearts to minesweeper. And to be honest i just don't think there are any good ones left.
My minesweeper addiction came to an abrupt halt today, when i was alerted that my stepbrother was a freak. I finished an expert game with a time of like 480 or something and was like hmm, I wonder what the top scores are? So I checked and it was like GREG GREG GREG and I was all..the fuck? Greg plays minesweeper? and then i looked at his expert time and it was 235. 235!! holy how the fuck? Granted i wasn't going fast when I was playing but I'm pretty sure I'm not able to halve my times very easily. So knowing there is no way I'm going to beat that, i logically gave up.
Trials are in less then a week, so naturally I am freaking and stressing. Naturally I am also not studying. ergh. I didn't really realise I was stressing until Daley was all speechikins to me in and likez I have a dream, you are stressed and bla bla I can tell by the way your acting towards me and etc etc don't stress they are only trials bla. And at the time I was all yah watever, I'm not stressed, I just hate you. But usually I can atleast passively hate him or feel occasionally appreciative towards him on the rare occasions he isn't a toss (we seem to go all stockholm and we loves mr daley cuz he isnt ripping apart our self esteem!)
So I guess I'm stressing.
But naturally, I'm dealing with this by playing games, writing blogs and watching TV.
I am so retarded at life, I can't believe I want to do Law at uni. sighblergh.
erm enough whinging.heh.
Ok so i tend to bitch about my dad on here/in life in general, so I guess here's my Dad report, suprisingly positive.
Joey lives like 4 doors down or something to my Dad and we went for a walk to macca's and on the way he's like do you want to visit your dad and I was all lol whatevers but he was all yeah it would be nice, and because I'm easily manipulated if the person doing the convincing is Joey I was like, sighfine expecting it to end all not good. Luckily, my dad lurves Joey, so apart from the initial awkwardness of like Dad: *answers door* me: hiuhhi.. howareyouwe'rejustdroppingincoswe'rewalkingpastifyournotbusyheeeeeeeeh*smile*
dad:uhh yeah ok. erm. yeah, er come in
and then like *awkward silences*
so whats up! my dog eats subway! thats a silly hathahah
but yeah, that got over with and eventually everything started to run smoothly and we ended up talking about a family history site that my uncle found and it is in dutch and somehow has our names on it because my relatives are evidently stalkers like that. So then we went on it, and then there was a shit ton of reminisce and so on. And we ended up staying alot longer then we had initially planned which was both strange and good and also nice.
apart from the fact that the house was like a million degree's because "it was chilly last night" so of course, one should logically turn the heaters up like 389479032847893275 notches due to that. And then only contemplate turning them down when your being roasted alive. The next night they were probably sitting in a corner shivering because it was too hot last night!!
And then Anna didn't take her phone to Dad's so mum couldnt call her when she was coming to pick her up, because my parents are mature and don't let each other drive down there driveways and are also are afraid to call each other's landlines. whatever. The weirdest thing is for along time I thought this was normal of divorced people/exes. I remember Cass's dad Les telling me it wasn't, and I was like heh. wow. It still suprises me whenever i encounter civil divorcees though.
So mum was all well you will have to be waiting for me at 8. and she was all but GUH. And I was like don't worry I'll come down with Mum and come in and get you. because, I UNDERSTAND SWEETIE, IT'S NOT FUN.
Not that she would ever appreciate me taking time out of my intense procrastination regime to make her life easier.
Anyway, point is, it was civil and nice and friendly again and GET THIS
i am invited to his party!!!
hoe lee shizen beotches
This is the guy who got an invitation with my name on it to my cousin's 21st (a cousin who I am closer to then my dad is) and deliberately didn't tell me/invite me. My uncle got all suss to things and let Luke in on the loop and Luke text me and was all loser come to my party or else so it was all good, but still, principle!
The funniest thing was when he got there and I was already there and all Hi Dad! and he was all HI!! *superplasticgrin* *walks to heather still with plastic grin* erm, how did she get here?!?!?! Which I know because Heather told me because she's plays games like that and tells me shit. Which is bad, but beneficial to me, so keep it coming. And that makes me laugh because, plan thwarted! muaha!
So erm, yeah, now I get invites :) wooters. I'm in the circle again. perhaps he has realised that HE BRED ONE OF HIS OWN AND I WILL OUTSMART HIM. haHA!
but yeah so me and my dad are in the hood now. word.
thats all I have time for, because I have to go procrastinate some more study

Monday, June 16, 2008

blog block

I'm having a total 'blog block', I was going to say writing block but I really don't have writing block at the momet. I was sitting in english today and Daley was going on about being trapped on an island or shakespeare fucking his daughter or something and I was boredly piecing random words together in my head (well what do you do to entertain yourself?? I know I'm weird, shut up) and "ambiguity ain't my thing" stuck in my head and I was like, hmm i like that, and then i expanded it to "masochism and ambiguity aint my thing" and started writing a crime fiction Imaginative response. In class. because I'm rebel like that. I do different english work in english. oooh.
so it's just blog block, not writing block. Annie's having quite a ball solving her Nakkia's murder in my english book.

As a result of me having absolutely nothing, I shall fill my previous promise of a "toss of the day"
and let me reassure you if i didn't just invent the rule that you can't be toss of the day twice in a row then believe me, it would be daley. But that's just not fair. toss hog. Give someone else a chance. Sheesh.

and i cant think of a toss!! ohmygod! is it possible that there was an entire day without encountering any tossers? the lady at the library was pleasant and helpful, most of my teachers were decent (considering) I skipped study so didn't have to encounter the damage any more then her putting her head out the window to be like, umz, skipping study much? And eventually she went away. I really think she doesn't know how to react to us. Like when she tells me that I'm wasting time and she's all yo your wasting time and I'm like yeah I know, but it's ok, because year 12 isn't the important year, I wouldn't be wasting time if it was. And she's all huh? because she knows it is but if she argues with me and tells me that then I just provide completely absurdist facts that prove beyond doubt that year 12 is not in anyway important. And she knows that they're completely ridiculous but I am utterly convinced and argument is futile. So she just walks off frustrated and I'm safe to continue wasting time undisturbed. Or when she asks Fred what he's going to do this lesson and he tells her completely enthusiastically and as if he see's nothing wrong with it, that he is going to distract *insert peoples names*. And she just kind of makes exasperated sounds and tries to start sentences and then can't work out what to say all in some sort of vain hope that he will suddenly realise that it is wrong and start vigorously revising. Whatever woman, we ride imaginary horses to study. And we've been dedicated to not studying for pretty much all of high school. we aren't going to change.

man i still don't have a toss of the day. Ok so toss of yesterday.

Joe and I went to the library today after school to study and there was this lady there with a toddler girl, about 2 probably, on a leash THE FUCK?!?!
You are the mother of a child not the owner of a dog. And further more, you are at a library, like the most child friendly place ever. I think you can let the kid off the leash for a run. YOU DON'T PUT LEASHES ON KIDS. That just says to the kid, the only way to make you stay with me is to physically restrain you. And then i bet she takes the leash off the kid and she will be like, well this was what was holding me back, it wasn't what my mum told me, it wasn't respect for her as my parent, it wasn't part of growing up, learning how to behaviour, learning goddam basic morals. No. It was a fucking leash. And i bet you a million trillion dollars that that kid will have more and more issues as she grows up. The mother (the stupid toss) may think she's taking the easy parenting route but i highly doubt it. And what's more she'll end up blaming her daughter for all her issues and how she didn't turn out how she expected. Because parent's are too fucked to see that it's just a reflection on themselves. And that will make her feel neglected, unloved, a burning sense of injustice. And she will hate her mother with a passion. Happy families.
I can walk my dog without a leash and she can't walk her own kid.
end rant.

Well i don't have much more to say, and that whole blog was probably pretty boring, but atleast i wrote one :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

who downloaded the hairspray theme???

I was talking to Joey the other night and he said I should blog about Kudos to Joey for my writing prompt :)

I was having a big bitch about something parent-related, I'm not sure which it was, it could have involved any of the following stories:

1. I have(had) this uber fecking awesometastic power globe (?) thingy that is like electric and goddam I suck at discription. Anyway it was cool and scientific like. Like imagine your in mr Angeli's bedroom - oh god that's suss ok, so mr angeli's house. You would expect to see something like that. hmm ok here's an idea SUPERAWESOMEGLOBETHINGY
err I also may have just hotlinked, so Ima be leaving the country k? *dodges internet geeks throwing..mice?
God I take a long time to say something simple. Anyway I have on of those and it's really cool. and i was opening my draw and the wire caught in it and the thing pulled off my completely pigsty messy slightly cluttered cupboard and smashed on the ground.
So anyway I told Mum the other night and she was like oh yes I know, in one of your fits of rage, serves you right for being so uncontrollable
Yes. that is exactly right. It is so very angry-uncontrollable of me to open my drawer. I should be put into prison. Such a terrible person i am.

ps. I'm totally beating John Paul and George at hearts XD
pps. yes I do know that wasn't really a ps

2. Mum went to work on Wednesday afternoon and told me to do the wash up before Nana got home with Anna, because my Nana is like messy-aphobic or something. Because she got caught in the dirt flood of 55 probably. And Mum feels guilty (and so do I) when she is always doing our housework. So Maggie and I went on a walk and I met this other lady who had a dog, and she let her dog off and Maggie and Bronsen annonymous dog, come on folks, privacy. So anyway, cos of this the walk was longer then usual and I didnt get home till around the same time as Nana and Anna ha ha HA IT RE-HYMES! herm. So Nana was all *beelines to kitchen* and I was like bitch please, nigger. So it was like full on drag race style to ze sink and I was like, YO, I'm doing this. And she was like ok, you can do it, but wait till after dinner so it's saving on water. and naturally i was like enviro-trend-alicious (because duh, saving the world is in fashion apparents *eyeroll*) and left it. Anyway I'm innocently naively watching the drama's of kane and kirsty on Home and Away and I walk out in the add's and THE WASH UP IS DONE!! teh fuckerz!! SHE CHEATED!!! cheaaaaattttt! RED CARD!! REF!! bitch please.
And I know it's like, oh woe is you, she did a job for you, how very mean of her. *sarcasmic*
but seriously, she will go and bitch and tell us how we do nothing around the house but she doesnt let us!! goddam! she tears the rulebook up and spits on it!!
I love her though. just for clarification.

Anyway upon recapping those events the previously mentioned conversation has become clearer and im perdy sure it was 2) that I was bitching about, and Joey bitched about how his family do the same thing. And the more we talked about things the more we realised that everyone has shit that's pretty much ubiquitous with their family, everyone goes through the hard shit.

Yet every single person thinks theres is worse and they go through more and boo hoo WOE IS ME. I bet any teenager reading this actually thought when reading the former statement 'yeah but my situation is ACTUALLY worse. No it's not. Everyone has fucking shit that they think is the worst in the world. And don't pretend you didnt think it. I can hear your thoughts. yup.

So teenagers are all angsty whingy bitches. But give us a break, we really do have trouble dealing with these things, and we do feel genuinely hurt because we believe we are alone in our suffering. we're fragile.

oh and don't think this means I'll ease up on the bitching.
because that's not even close to likely.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am doomed

If I didn't know that I decide to drop a different subject every week, I would so drop economics right now! blergh.
I don't care about the budget!
well I do..but like, you know. whatever. I don't want to write about it. at all. ever.

Some advice to everyone: NEVER DO AN ONLINE SUBJECT! EVER!

Man, I don't even have any funny anecdotes, witty observations or ignorant tossers to write about! I'm clearly only writing this as a form of procrastination.

sigh. sigh. sigh.

Ok, so this is becoming a massive unattractive whinge blog, so i think I will leave it there. How boring of me, and time wasting for you. read those ones down there vvvv
theyre much more interesting. I promise.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


wanna know something funny-alicious? So a million people know already because, it cracks me up never-endingly, but anyway, for Society, I'm doing my Personal Interest Project (dear little pippikins) on male rape, so I've been putting out surveys on random forums to get a broader sample, my results then arent restricted by location etc etc. Anyways, most forums have been uber cool and replied and stuff and helpful, but I posted on a catholic forum board, just all bla bla do you think it can happen, what would you do, how do you feel etc etc..
and my post got deleted, and my account suspended because my material was inappropriate LOL
goddam close-minded ignorant fools.
yes that is exactly right catholics, jesus said that male rape was bad, it should never be talked about, here have some jesus you cannibals.
I kid, I'm a catholic by birth.
But seriously, what the hell.
I guess it was the devil possessing me to talk about such sacriligious things.
All in all though it's a great PIP yarn and if i had to admit I'm rather proud of myself getting chucked off forums and what not.
Holstein was horrified and like ho-lee crapperz!! do they know our school name? OHMYGODZ WE WILL GET SUED, SOCIETY AND CULTURE WILL GET SHUT DOWN FOREVAZ! I imagine she was picturing big Willy marching in with his subject closing machine and his rain-jacket and lycra and being all a plague on your lands or whatever.
But i reassured her that I was very vague in my explaining and used a fake name.

Moving on, I was down the street today and ran into someone that I used to be really really close to but now am not at all. Like not in the sense of OMG THAT HORRIBLE THING THAT YOU DID I HATE YOU. Just like, things change, people drift and sooner or later you don't know them at all. It's always awkward on the rare occasions that I do see her because it's like this feeling that we'd both like to ignore the other and act like we didnt know them, and that would be fine, but we both equally have the whole, shit, we were like best friends, it's kind of a cop out. So all that eventuated into this kinda awkward pained acknowledgement smile and subtle hi and hurried moving on.
Now don't you just hate that it's always in these awkward situations where you've just hurried off v.importantly to realise that your in the carpark and have no effing idea where the car was parked. And she was sitting just in the right position to watch me make a massive dork of myself losing hide and seek to a damn tida. She probably wasn't even noticing me and was doing her nails or something equally chic but my natural narcissism led to me being like oh fuck she is watching me fuck fuck fuck and wandering completely lostly like and escaped dementia patient through a sea of fecking wheels. Why do I care what she thinks anyway?
gawd I'm a headcase.

English Extension tomorow, I wonder if we'll have a teacher.

Toss of the day: (hey I like the sound of that, from now on all my entries will contain a toss of the day)

My english teacher. We gave him our Nahum(sp?) Tate King Lear (that crazy bitch) responses like, start of term, and today he's just casually goes "I briefly glanced at your Nahum Tate responses and they are not good at all they need work bla bla bla etc"endquoties and I was like, the heck? you briefly looked at them? and your unspecifically disappointed? Toss. So me being the loudmouthed bitch I am who was already having an outspoken kinda bitch please day was like.
"Well perhaps you could give them a bit more then a 'brief glance' and get them back to us with some suggestions on how to improve them, rather then just telling us they need to be improved"
and he was like "they need more references to how they are ironical"
ok so he didn't say that last bit, but it's fun to pretend he did, as I can't believe an English teacher would use a word that is clearly grammatically incorrect, as he did that rather memorable day. Also Karma is spelt Kalma. Just ask him.

When i first wrote that I wasnt sure whether it was clear that a toss was referring to like, a tosser, loser, dickwad, twatface etc etc because, it's the internet, it's toneless so you know. So i looked it up on urban dictionary to see what the general consensus was on the interpretation of the word. Anyway, one of the eg's was like I'm gonna go have a toss over Jenna Jameson and i was like, OMG i recognise that name. I recognise the name of a pornstar!?!?!?! oh the world is becoming tragic and twisted. So now i have to go find out where i've seen(lol) her before.
often, that is.
I mean the meg white sex tape obviously, then there was pirates, etc etc etc
but sheesh I'm not a regular! and i'm pretty sure the meg tape was the last I watched, which was a jip!
a) it was boring porn
b) it wasn't even Meg White

Anyway, I think i have sufficiently rambled, so adios xLivi

Monday, June 9, 2008

am I really related to you?

Joey said he thought i posted about my family re-union, so here's a post about it :)

I went to a family reunion yesterday, it was effing huge, it was for all the descendents of my great-great-great grandparents(Daniel&Louisa) and they had like 12 kids, so yeah. My great Auntie was organising it so she got Mum and Trisha to be on the door collecting entry fee to cover the cost of the showground (fucking A we filled the showground) and giving everyone name badges with their name, and line, the lines are named after the children of Daniel and Lousia, so whoever you got descended from is, logically your line. (woo Hunter ftw!)
Anyway, i rocked up later then mum with nana, and there was like a million people at the door waiting to be name badgefied, and i was all ..the fuck, are we at the wrong place, cos not sure it's legal to be related to this many peoples? So I went in to give Mum and Trish a hand and the badges were all colour coded and stuff. So people would come up and I'd ask them their name and line to find their badges.
Well fucking hell I must be related to some of the dumbest fuckers in the universe.

me: Name?
way too many Randoms: Barry
well no fucking shit sherlock, fancy a fucking Barry at a fucking Barry re-union. A first name would be helpful.

me: do you know what line your on?
alot of randoms: oh, Daniel and Louisa
thanks toss, that narrows it down a fair bit, to you know, EVERYONE ELSE IN HERE

and possibly the stupidest..

me: name?
randomguy: name-i-havent-heard
me: ok, do you know what line you're on?
randomgirl (wife of random guys): huh?
me: which one of the children your desceded from, it would be probably your great great grandparent
randomguy and girl: *look at each other confused*
me: ok, I'll read out the names, and you might recognise the one. bla bla bla bla bla Louisa bla
randomgirl: Lousia! thats it!
my head: no it fucking isn't twat, you only think that because of daniel and louisa SIGH (there was only one family coming from the louisa line and they had already gone through)
me: hmm, ok. So what are you parents or grandparents' names
randomguy: someone and someone something
me: ahok, so you're the barry?
randomguy: no, my wife is
THE FUCK?!?!?! why would i give a flying fuck who your parents are then you twit? I do not understand what possible use you think i could have for your parents names.

Anyway, theres my people-are-stupid stories, and in retrospect you might not really enjoy them or get them because perhaps they were a had to be their thing but whatever. they frustrated me enough to blog them.

I'm very happy with myself having completely quitted (quat?) solitaire, only problem is i'm now addicted like a whore to hearts

I don't really have much else to say other then, sleep is a beautiful beautiful thing, i should start getting some.

Oh one more thing, as it wouldnt be a true blog without referencing my dog, we were walking today and she ran across the path of this lady and the lady like jumped a freaking mile and was like oh my she gave me a fright she looks frightening, how frightful or some twittish thing and I was like, the fuck Zsa Zsa Gabor? my dog does not remotely resemble anything more vicious then a fucking fruit fly you stupid twitface, she is wagging her tail, not a fucking communist rifle erm she's friendly :)

now Im done. x

Saturday, June 7, 2008

so don’t tell me what to write and don’t tell me that I’m wrong…… and don’t tell me not to reference my songs within my songs

I decided I'd opt in with the ultra artsy trend of using lyrics for subjects, mainly because i can never think of a subject for my blogs, particularly before i write them. (it's not like i plan these things!)
A big thankyou to the dresden dolls for aiding in my ultimate hip value by providing backstabber lyrics, i really love their stuff it's so like, 'oh fuck off' and in explaining the lyrics (which if i was truly artsy i wouldn't do) I just get sick of people telling me what to do, with my life, in my relationships, with my future, how to deal with my problems, when it doesnt affect them at all.
Also i just love Amanda and Brian.
and who else, could seriously pull of naming their first (Well, second, first was self titled) album, "yes, virginia" then 2 years later release a new album: "no, virginia" lmfao, love that style.
And the funny thing is, all the stuffy music experts online that are probably actually 10 and take themselves oh so seriously, it's like they are ignoring the whole fact that they were clearly taking the piss when they named it.
like you'll go on a forum and it'll be like
"what do you think (deeply and importantly) of no, virgina"
"no, virginia is very effective in its audio pulses, i like the feel it has although i prefer yes, virginia for dynamics"
and no one on the whole board is like OMG no, virginia and yes, virginia ha ha HA!
or at the very least a (LOL) after "no,virginia"
Goddammit the girl made a joke, they are to be laughed at not analysed and politically discussed.

See my point about not planning my blogs? i just waffled about the Dresden dolls for like, too much space. But seriously, it's the internet, no one actually knows who you are, quit being pretentious.

The Smith twins had their 18th last night at newy and it was funalicious, etc. Although i missed the presence of Ian and Joe because when i was like, lol, yeah presents, sheeet. and just got money out to give to them. and obviously didn't have a card(s) because hello, am i really that organised or whatever?
who needs a card anyway, what a waste of money/the environment.
But so when i wrote "happy 18th" on serviettes and put the money inside them instead of like ian and joe being next to me with a macca's tray-liner or a receipt to the present as a make shift card it was like, twenty three super awesome wrapped things. and with cards and stuff. you guys suck, get a life. learn to play hearts or solitaire. sheesh
Thank God for Jack and his *writes on tablecloth* "iou guys presents/money lolz"
I also missed Joe and Ian because, i enjoy their company. I kept being like, i wish Joey was here during the night.
ok so i think it was only like twice, but i still kinda make myself wanna throw up from my sappyness.
ehh i can't win with my own approval, it is the most difficult to attain. I guess there would be no point to continuing life once it was gained though.

So i got all of like an hour's sleep last night, most of the night was spent talking to and reminiscing with Breebee which was a shitload of fun. She was my closest friend for awhile in year 10 and part of me misses that, we're still good friends, but well, we've grown out of hacking accounts and reading smutty fanfiction over the phone. And lately things have been iffy with the girls, and everyone gets caught up in it. And that's what irritates me. (also i do know you can't grammatically start a sentence with 'And' but its my blog, i make the rules, be gr8fl iM n0t tIpIn LyK diS!!!ELEVENTYFOUR!!! MKAY.) All the fights between people affect(effect?) everyone's relationships and its screwy. Anyway, friday was fun.

But, because I'm such a good dog owner despite my lack of sleep i spent the time between getting home and starting work (goddamn you and your sucking me into doing extra shifts with your charm Krystal!) walking my dog. Anyway, I basically just follow a series of reserves when i take her walking because it's nicer, and it's better for her and i can leave her off the lead to run ahead and stuff. There's these 2 reserves across the road from each other and you can either cross the road or go through one of those under road walky tunnel thingys. Now the heights around here and tunnels = extreme derro so I'm always just like eek crossing the road plz. except, it's not like its a long tunnel, and theres never anyone in it, and it's not like someone's just going to like jump from the roof if i walk through, especially to meet my prejudicials assumptions so I was like, ok, I'm going to walk through the le tunnel d'derro. So I did, and just for your amusement, I wrote down (texted down?) every item in a tunnel running not much longer then the width of a road:

-a dustpan
-infinite rope
-two clothes baskets
-a drawer handle
-a sprinkler
-several nails
-a bag with an army emblem on it
-several pieces of an unidentifiable material
-a plug
-a funnel
-a light fitting
-a mop
-a bin
-atleast 5 broken plates
-a blackboard eraser
-a lamp
-a floor scrubber
-a roll of glad wrap
-a box of glucogen pills

..the fuck?? I was going to /em the more bizzare ones but about half way down i realised that they would nearly all be in italics, so that failed.

oh and re: my annonymous commenter..Clare tried to tell me Mum jokes were out..oh yeah take that clare, the internet is against you. I WAS RIGHT THEY ARE SO IN.
sigh, is it caturday yet?
I heart the lovable constant immaturity of cyberland.

thats all folks.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

man starves to death in mall

I've always had a strange fantasy about staying in a shopping centre overnight, or even living in one. I just love the idea of, everything is there! What could you need? Say your running from the law so you go and hide out in a supermarket, hiding in some cupboard or something in the furniture department at day and by night, the world is yours! (well the supermarket at any rate) hmm i'm hungry just drop over to the vegetable section, hmm i need a shave..just go grab a razor from the razor section..i want a pillow to sleep on during my days in the cupboard, just pop over to the pillow department...etc. I don't know why, but this thought has entertained me for hours on end.

Anyway so i opened the internet today and my homepage is ninemsn and i naturally did my scan of headlines, because they are usually somewhat hi-larious or atleast mildly interesting. and i see.. MAN STARVES TO DEATH IN MALL.. wtf? how? why? why was he in the mall to start with? HE IS LIVING MY DREAM! well dying my dream...he killed it! why didnt he go select some food from the large selection of food? perhaps he has an aversion to shoplifting, but still, circumstantial! Shoplifting is wrong, but dying isn't exactly ideal. I really didnt think starvation was possible in a mall. perhaps there is an undoing to all those years of planning.
well that was my excitement for the day.

Luckily, it's raining today, so my dog can't guilt me into exercise, because I'm not going running in the rain in winter. I would have no issue with doing this in the middle of summer, or when it's just generally hot, as I rather admire rain because where does it come from?? and that doesnt mean give me the scientific explanation. I'm not retarded, i know there is an explanation and if i cared about that explanation I would do Sciences. As it is, i do Society Drama and English
So yeah, don't tell me its not magic. Yeah its just exaporation and bla bla bla. Can you do that? no. Just cos you give it a fancy name doesnt mean it's not magic.

Anyway, I don't have too much more to say mainly because I'm tired and should be practicing my extension speech.


Monday, June 2, 2008

ah, harsh guilt-tripping canine

Ok so weirdest thing ever, I just clicked on my name on a blog comment to get back here to write this entry, and it linked me to my profile, which upon looking at/reading which I've never actually done - is kind of boring, but hey, I don't care, if you want to know about me, that's what my blogs here for, duh. But anyway on the side its all like "26 profile views" ohmygod! I havent even told 26 people I have a blog. That is pretty damn cool. But really, who is reading my profile? If anyone is reading this, hello! and drop me a comment I'd love to hear from you :)

Anyway, specifically for Jack: when you write your comment, if you click "name and URL" instead of Anonymous, and then write whatever you want in the name button and leave the URL section blank, that is the way that you comment that is not annonymous. Not that it matters but eh.

In respect to bitching, I do see that it holds a place as venting and thats why it's not helpful to do it to the person's face, and i guess i kinda realised that more since Saturday night, but in my situation, if someone directly asks me whether i was bitching, I'm not going to lie, I wouldnt want someone to lie to me.
What does irritate me though, is that the people that will bitch about person A with person B and then tell person A what person B said whilst bitching about Person B, that's beyond venting. That's bitchy shit and it causes trouble.
And what fucks me off even more, is that these people are all on their high horses at me for what I did. hipocrit fuckers.
Especially when you were bitching about that person to me, when you told me the comment she made that led to me being so pissed off in the first place.
And now your bitching about me to her.
It's purely ridiculous.
you being, aimed at a particular person, but of course I'm not going to name them.

Anyway, away from bitching because it's lay-em and boring.

I've been exercising alot of late. Ok i lie, i have been exercising minimally of late but in comparison to my normal level of exercise which is running with friends on Friday nights (We call ourselves Friday Night Running Crew cause we're lame and all go-team! like that) Anyway's, my Pa's gone away for like a month and my dog Maggie is like border-collie cross Cattle dog so she's all Supercalafragaexercise like. But my Pa works on a farm so he takes her out there everyday so she's a well exercised well satisfied dog. But he's away, so the plans all *deflates* and on friday I was like aw Maggie I promise I'll take you for a walk tomorow, because i make promises with my dog ok, I've never said I was sane, we play hide and seek too, bite me. Anyway then saturday came and I finished work and was all Ahh computer, my first love. and Mum's like, didn't you promise maggie you'd take her for a walk? and it was like Aw man, I'd just stripped to my knickers and taken my hair out, I was comfortable! So I'm all, eh she's forgotten look. and of course Maggie hears me talking, and evidently unforgot and ran over and was all looks at me. Ergh. So, true to my word (to my dog, wtf) we went for a run, and I actually ran all of the way except like stopping to put her on the lead when there was other dog's. Now I'm not going to be one of those people like, oh and the running, it feels so good, every time i put a foot down and my lungs feel like they're collapsing its so orgasmic! and my knee's are all jelly and ow and I can barely breathe and I'm sweating like a motherfucker and it's like OH YEAH! WHO NEEDS SEX WHEN I CAN RUN!!. because i choose to believe, that those people are pretentious, and lying. Lying! I have to argue with my mind to keep running, but when I finish running, it's a really good feeling, and I just feel generally happier for the rest of the day. And I know I'm just a little bit fitter which helps. But yeah then I got home today and she looked at me like, wow I'm bored sure would be nice if someone would take me for a run *Wink* and it's like ergh, Maggie, so we went for another walk! the second in three days! please don't faint! Since school is stressful and exhausting I opted to amble rather then run, but it was still nice and it's still exercise that i can now brag about on my blog and almost be like one of those pretentious people, that run so much that it's worthwhile to invest in ipod holders for their arms and they only eat yoghurt and water and they pronounce it yogg-it because i make stereotypes in my mind like that :)

Yo, Jack said in his comment that my stories make him laugh, and Joey always tells me that he loves listening to me talk and I was talking to my school counsellor today (come on, I blog, you had to realise I was messed up right?) and I was telling the story of walking to school and my Dad giving me a lift and he couldnt stop laughing and he's like man I love your stories theyre so funny etc etc and it's like wow I'm impressing even a counsellor, I rock! In actuality i think my stories are quite boring but that's probably because i already know them/actually experienced them so it's not like SURPRISE-TWIST-ENDING!! but still, it's great when someone gives you a compliment and then it's repeated across people because then it's like, woo I'm good at something :):) the post button! xLiv