Friday, October 3, 2008

look out Bale Boshev

Well I went to see Oma again, and all is well. Her only issue was that she had lost her shoes and hence had been walking around in only socks since the mini-stroke thing. I found it peculiar that she'd failed to mention this to anyone until when I visited at nearly 5 the next day, particularly as she seemed

a) very concerned as to their whereabouts and

b) determined that try as I may to look I wouldn't find them

nonetheless a short trip to her room found them behind her bed, which in turn found her pleasently suprised. That was, perhaps, the extent of the conversation apart from the details of a letter from her african sponser-priest. It's Academic was on, see. Grade school game shows really hit a spot with my bordeline ninety grandmother, go figure. Essentially though, in the watching of tv and thus limited conversation, she was acting completely normally again which made me breathe a huge sigh of relief.

My Aunty, Uncle and cousins came into visit, shortly after I'd located the wayward shoes so the remainder of the visit was spent sitting cross-legged on the floor discussing becoming a lawyer with my ..11 year old..I think..cousin. He's all kinds of adorable and although I say that I don't have favourite cousins, and also name a majority of my cousins favourites, he's definately a favourite. He's one of those really inquisite kids that will just sit and talk to you for hours and ask question after question and takes absolutely everything in. And he always has something interesting to say. My Auntie mentioned study so thus commences:

Jacob: what are you studying for?


Jacob: yeah I know, but what do you want to do next year, like Ben wants to be a doctor

Me: oh right, a Lawyer

Jacob: cool. Are you going to work in local or supreme court?

Me: uhhh..not sure yet

Jacob: What firm are you going to work for? Bale Boshev?

Me: I don't know..

Jacob: oh, you should work for them. or there is another one that always has adds.

and so on. He thought through my career in law more in 5 minutes then I have in 3 years. sheesh.

Our conversation then went towards year 12 muck up day, and we discussed things he could do when he's in year 12 (holy shit I will be 24!) and talked through every single prank that we pulled. Which reminds me, here is the (somewhat failed) video we made a few days before we left of us (attempting) to scare people.


1 comment:

  1. lol WOW that cousin is a smarty! well he seemed informed until he mentioned bale boshev lololol he totally just said that cos of tv not cos he is cluey about law but hey he was ten right, cant blame the little bugger, right?
    lol at the scare vid, my first veiwing.


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