Wednesday, October 8, 2008

practically a family reunion

soooo...she had another TIA on saturday (or whatever the fuck they're called) and she's in hospital. It was no worse then the first, but as it happened twice within three days they thought they'd get her in there for some tests and such.

So saturday morning was a whirlwind of phone calls and texts and organising shit and trying to get everything I needed to get done so I could get down to the hospital. She was similar to how she was the first day, and my cousin Gebe was down from queensland so we ended up sitting at the other end of the room just talking about it all while she was sleeping. It was nice, I miss her.

One thing I do love about my family, is that it has a strong family atmosphere, like a community feel or something? I don't think I explained that very well. But like, crisis has struck so to speak, and my Oma got taken to hospital about 9. I spent the morning texting Dad and then by the time I got to the hospital at 11 Eddy and Jus were there, having taken a detour out of their trip to down to Tasmania. Eddies on the phone to Mary, Katie's fixing up Oma while Gebe texts Luke, and Jus jumps up and hugs me and starts filling me in on everything. Liz is on her way down from Parkes, Mary's packing her bags, Katies been talking to Anne and chances are she'll be jumping on a plane as soon as she can. It was insane. And it always is. All the nurses make comments like 'your popular Elisabeth' and she just grins.

As it were, I just got a phone call from Dad (cos my phone is rooted, grrr) saying that tante Annemiek has landed in the country. wooters.

more later. Probably on something else. I'm sure your all sick of hearing.

Ps. I don't care that they got slaughtered, the storms will always pwn manly completely. fuckers.

1 comment:

  1. hey =]
    good to hear that your oma is ok, i can empathise on some level as to what its like to have this happen. also with the family thing.
    when nana was in hospital recently i think we all realised how lucky she is to have all her 6 children plus their partners living so close =D

    oh and thankyou for being here for me of late.. im sorry if i snap or get bitchy. you dont need to hear it =]

    love you.
    i does *nods*


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