Sunday, August 17, 2008

suck it, daycrew.

I said I'd finish talking about city2surf but I'm pretty much over it.. in short, we ran, it was sooo cold at the end yet sooo hot during the's 14km and we took basically 2 hours. which we were pretty happy with. as we are teh amatuers.

I worked most of today, so therefore this will probably end up being entirely a work-bitch post.

Firstly, all of the people working there, are living existentialism. There are a few people who are actually interesting to talk to, and then the people that I know outside of work, but so many people I have the same conversation with EVERY single week. "omg I am so hungover. I hooked up with two guys last night" yes. yes you did. like you do every saturday night, apparently. "ergh I am so tired I started at 3am!" of course you did, like you do every sunday, even though you're not rostered to start until 4.30. So don't expect me to feel sympathy for you when you chose to start early. "OMG I worked 13 hours yesterday, kill me, it's my day off!" then don't come in. there is a cult of hour-dropping "i did 13" "i started at 4.30" "i had close last night" I don't feel sympathy for any of them. You choose to do those hours, no one forces you too, and you do it because you like it and you like the attention. It's virtually impossible to get fired from that place. I work one shift a week, I haven't been fired, nor has mcDonalds collapsed. So, I don't care. I don't tell you what time I started or how many hours Ive done, so don't tell me. I don't care.

There are day-crew people and there are schoolies. Lately day-crew have been trying this them and us thing. And it's really lame. like "omg you guys don't follow proceedure you would never last on day crew hahaha" "if you schoolies weren't slack and no-showed your shifts we wouldn't have to be here" etc. Seriously guys, don't start that. Because you can't win. and also we don't care. If you're daycrew, your life is working at mcdonalds. We go to school, we intend on getting cooler jobs, we don't take this job seriously. You're probably going to spend the rest of your life working at mcDonalds. I'm not going to judge anyone for that, but don't try to make out that we are lower then you. And really, we don't take not being able to last on daycrew as an insult.

Lastly, customers, get the fuck over caring so much about fast food. I know in rushes we fuck things up, and I know the food is gross, and I know it's meant to be fast and it isn't always. But should it really ruin your day? And don't try to make it ruin mine because it won't. I understand genuine complaints, I don't care if you complain about these things, I don't care if you bring your food back cos it's cold or wrong. But when you have to wait 3minutes on fries and I'm not the person who served you and I ask if you've been served, you don't need to yell at me about how long you've waited. You can tell me nicely and I'll follow it up but save the tantrum for someone else. And then when you tell me what you ordered and I realise that the wrong burger is on your tray and swap it, thanks will suffice. Not eyerolling and telling me how fucking incompetent we all fucking are and how you regret fucking coming here. I'm glad you fucking regret it fucker, don't come back. I didn't put the wrong burger there. and to yet another fucker..if you order a small nuggets meal you will get a small nuggets meal. It is not the same as a happy meal. If you meant a happy meal and just got confused all you need to do is explain this. I will change the meal and I won't bother adjusting the price. You don't need to huff and sigh and bitch and demand. you ordered the wrong thing. check the menu bitch. And I was only on counter for like half an hour today, sheesh. it makes me love kitchen so much when I get back in there.

anyway. I needed to get that out. Now to the evergrowing pile of study shit. guh. xx

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