Monday, August 11, 2008

I've been terrible at updating of recent, mainly because of school and this damn HSC thing.

Society and Culture majors finally went in and now there's 3 weeks till Drama pracs (SHITTT!!) and every other subject seems intent on bucketting us with either study or assesments. guh. but enough on the whinge..


It was awesome fun :). Jack and I caught the early train down on Saturday and spent the day frollicking in Sydney. Ok so we spent most of the day on a train, some of the day sleeping and the remaining segment frollicking in Sydney. By the time we'd walked to Hyde Park from central to grab our race packs (Me: lets go grab a train to hyde Jack: it's like 2 blocks away! we can walk! Me: or we could take a 4 minute train ride and be there in 4 minutes... Jack: *wins and then complains about walking*), walked back to Paddys to eat at an awesome food court that I FUCKING SWEAR was there, but wasn't, and then went looking through shops for double sided sticky tape we were kinda like fuck this and went and slept for 2 hours. (hey we had to get up early!!) Oh and I got hit on by a bum. Which was kinda funny and kinda ew. I mean I wonder if that ever works?

"So do you come here often? to this..park bench?"

the youth hostel we stayed in was really nice. There were four beds in the room but only three of us but no one else was checked into the room when we checked in. At 9 we headed over to central to meet Shane's train, grabbed some Hungry Jacks and went back. We stood in the room for a few minutes and then Shane was all "whose bag is that?" and pointed to a random bag we had all pretty much walked over and not noticed. So we were all "uhhhh...I dont know?" And then Jack was like "omg that bed is made!! ....and been slept in?" Which cracked us up because 1) why did we not notice the made bed first? and 2) how do you check in, make your bed, nap and then leave in like 3o minutes?

So that became the amusement for the night. Shane saw the name Andrew written on the bag so they started reffering to him as if they knew him, like:

Shane: I'm bored let's go out

Jack: what if Andrew comes?

Me: Don't call him that!

Shane: it's his name!

Me: yeah and he's going to come in and your going to be like, hey andrew and he will be like omg stalker!

Jack: omg can we be like "hi andrew, what's your name"

Me: no!

Shane's nagging us to go out eventually won me over because I've always wanted to see whether I can get away with pretending I'm 18 at pubs, and as I will be 18 soon, time is limited. This outnumbered Jack so we ended up going to a random pub at the end of the block, which seemed like a good idea originally but we walked in and everything was really quite, and everybody looked up at us. resisting the temptation to be all fuck this and bail out I tried to put on my best "hello I am 18" look. which probably just made me look constipated. Seconds after sitting down the bouncer was all over us all ID! and Jack and Shane were all *flashes licences* and I was all "onoz I left my ID at the hotel!" obviously not to convincingly because he gave me a your a dickhead look and was all "No ID no booze" so I guess fail. We got over it pretty soon after that cos there were security out front of most of the bars and as Jack rationalised, none of us actually wanted to drink.

We got back and went to sleep after several conversations along the lines of "omg where is andrew" "he'll be so tired tomorow!" "yeah but he had that nap" etc. He ended up coming in at like midnight. and then repeatedly getting up and down which woke me up so I then I had to go pee and I was all "hey by the way! I'm Olivia" and he's all "Hi I'm Andrew!" which made me want to laugh. And basically had a conversation with him at like 1.30am about powerpoints and what time we were getting up. Then he was gone when we woke up. Jack maintains he doesn't exist, as he never actually saw him. I write this blog in a testament to Andrew's existence!

This blog is getting way long and I need to do stuff, so I will mention one more thing and leave the rest till later...

Breakfast at the hostel was one of those pay this much and get options thingies. So the options were like "tea or coffee" etc.

Now tea or coffee makes sense, because I doubt anyone would want to drink coffee and tea. But then there was "Orange Juice or Muesli Bar" wtf?? You don't drink a muesli bar or drink orange juice so that just weirded me out. We ended up getting both in exchange for not having tea or coffee which was all yays!

I'll talk about the actual race tomorow..xx

1 comment:

  1. bahahah.

    somewhere.. someplace.. andrew is reading this blog. laughing *nods*


what do you think?