Monday, November 17, 2008

Wild Turkey

Apparently I got a little trashed on the weekend.

See, usually, I drink Johnny Walker. And I can hold my scotch pretty good. I may get a little tipsy, but respectably so. But when I went to buy my alcohol for Patricks camping-eighteenth-birthday-shenanigan they only had JW in cans. CANS I tell you. So, I'm anal about things like that. I like my JW in bottles. I dont know why. I pay double the price to drink coke out of a glass bottle rather then a plastic one. Whatever.

So I was all erghhhh cans...I'll just get a big bottle and coke and mix myself. But Mum was all ooh no bla bla bla bla illogical reason and etc etc. And I was like teh SIGH. Well I will get Wild Turkey then. FINE JESUS CHRIST. And she was all since when do you drink that? and I was all since I lived with Dad that one time remember? Etc.

And well the thing is, yes I did drink it then. But I was also going through this cruiser stage. So when I actually thought about the amount of Turkey I drank I think the most I had in one night was probably about 3. Not a million or however many I had plus some Yager. Yeah I dont even have the slightest of an idea how to spell Yager. But I'll tell you what, I know how it tastes, freaking gross!

I digress.

Things that I do remember happening:

-Knowing that I was completely sober. Informing everyone of this repeatedly.
-My mouth tasting like I just threw up
-Asking if I threw up
-Getting out of the tent with the intent to throw up
-Ian taking me to the toilets

Things I don't remember happening but have been informed did:

-Fred picking me up and carrying me to bed
-Running back out of the tent and proclaiming that no one could make me do anything
-Running along the road looking for Joe
-Shouting at Joe that he was controlling
-Shouting at Joe for punching freds arm because "He's our friend!"

Things that I have learnt:

-Wild Turkey gets me pissed alot quicker than well, anything
-The ground is never quite the distance you think it is
-Joe and I should not get drunk at the same time
-Water is a beautiful beautiful thing
-No one believes you when you say your not drunk

A small snapshot from the evening, which is in retrospect, quite funny:

After being put to bed the second time, it would seem, and shortly after Ian took me to the toilets.

Well apparently it was a bit more then shortly after that.

Olivia: *is confused as to how she got into the tent and why she isnt still at the toilets*
Olivia: *is even more confused as to where Ian went* IAN? ...Ian?
Joe: What?
Olivia: Where did Ian go? I need Ian.

So, it would seem, that I am a defiant angry confused drunk. Joe however is a crying drunk.

Joe: *starts crying*
Olivia: what? WHAT? ahhhhh
Joe: do you...have feelings for Ian!?!
Olivia: oh god I need to throw up
Joe: Olivia? Olivia?
Olivia: *is outside tent throwing up*
Joe: *is sitting in tent crying*

so, not the best of ideas.

The End. x


  1. Ah. The drunken camping trip. A hallowed tradition. Miz S remembers.

  2. lol. im not letting you near wild turkey ever again.. well. not unless i want cheap laughs. =P

    oh im a darling friend arent i lol..



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