Saturday, November 8, 2008

you can't go in there..the..floors are out..for cleaning..this is a terrible lie..

There are times when I think the universe hates me. There are other times, like today, when I think that God/Allah/Yahweh/the force*/Buddha/yes I know Buddha isn't actually a diety/whoever is totally on my side.

See, I worked all today. And then after I was home for like, no hours, di rings me up. Except she was all:

"ooh I am going to be super sneaky about it and ring with the number on private! Muahahahaha that will trick her! She won't know it is McSlaveryDonald's and she will answer the phone call so happily in eager anticipation of picnics and rainbows and puppies and frolicking and then BAM I will jump out with my voice as she won't see me jumping and coerce her into working another arduos hell-filled day! Oh I am so so clever" -Di (I assume)

yeah so I answered the call. Usually when work calls it is fairly easy to deduct what they want. So I decide whether I want to work the time in question or not, before answering the phone. If the answer is yes, then I answer, if no, I don't. Because it would be a waste of a conversation. Had the call said it was work, I wouldnt have answered it because I really didn't want to work.

But no the call said 'private' so I answered it. And Di was all 'can you work 8-4 tomorrow? Now I am hopeless in these situations. Usually I am a very assertive person (understatement) but in these situations I never know what to say. So it can go a few ways.

a) shitfuckthinkofanexcuseSure!WHATTHEFUCK!?!?!?!
b) um. nah sorry. I can't. I've got to go to study...for an exam *sheepish kind of noise*

so I went with option b.

me: um no sorry I can't work in the afternoon because I have to -
*phone reception cuts out*
*phone reception cuts back in*
di: yeah thats ok, cya

SWEET!! Seriously, I have no idea what I was going to say. Internally I was panicking and wouldve probably said 'yeah' or something. 'sorry i cant work because i have to yeah'. great excuse Olivia. So maybe thats not that great of an example of the intervention of a greater power. But I can pretend. And will continue to do so.


*as if that whole my religion is 'Jedi' on the census's thing isn't freaking awesome. Over 70 000 people in Australia declared themselves as Jedi Knights. I find that so very hilarious.


  1. hehe! that's awesome, that's funny though, fucking Di! that happened to me too ages ago [the private number thing] and it's so fucking stupid, i'm so over work after 15 hours of it :( anyways i love you.

  2. yeh. see.. this is where im glad i dont have a job.

    well.. i do.. but im not likely going to get a call to nanny in the early hours of the morn?



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