Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Happy Birthday Fred and George Weasley!!

I got this from here and thought it was absolutely adorable. The Weasley twins were always up there in my favourite Harry Potter characters, they had some of the best lines in the books.

So this is relatively shortlived as I just got a phone call from Patrick who is coming over from his college to pick up the blue shitalcohol he left here the other night.

The conversation went like this:

Me: Hello

Pat: Olivia

Me: ..Pat?

Pat: I'm coming over to get my alcohol.

Me: mkay

Pat: What are you up to tonight?

Me: Work. I got two assignments due on friday

Pat: your not going out?

Me: nah i got assignments and a cold

Pat: ok im coming over and drinking with you

Me: Nooo I'm sick and have assignments!

Pat: ok I'll see you soon. drinks!

Me: But...FINE


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