Saturday, July 5, 2008


just because it's "Caturday"..

I don't remember where I stole it from, it was in my pictures from forever ago, so sue me.

I just froze my arse off walking down to the shops to get bread. I shaved my legs yesterday, for like the first time in like, forever because hey, it's winter! I can just wear jeans. So yesterday I wore a dress with a sweater under it so my arms would be warm but left my legs bare because HELLO WORLD I SHAVED. I have a rule that if I put the effort in to shave my legs it's like slapping that effort in the face to wear jeans. So today I wore shorts. And goddam winter is cold! If I had any hair on my legs it would have been standing up from being absolutely frozen so as soon as I got home I ran and put my long effort covering PJ pants on and decided that the new rule is no shaving my legs when it's cold. On the topic of shaving, fuck all this shaving cream stuff, using conditioner makes your legs soo smooth.

I think I'm growing up. I've been eerily responsible of late and it's really weirding me out. Yesterday, Joey was coming over after he finished his last exam so after I got up and showered and all that kinda stuff I had a bit of time to kill and my dilema was hmm should I clean up the kitchen or my room. the fuck? Now usually this dilema is do I play solitaire or the sims. Since when do I care if the house is clean? Since when do I voluntarily clean my room? good god, the times they are a changing. I ended up opting for a kind of alternation, organising the kitchen a little and wiping the counter down and ANNA WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PAIR OF SOCKS ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER?? and wondered why on earth the dishwashing liquid was out on the dining table so I put in the cupboard. Then went to my room and ridded it of all plates, cups and underwear. Went back to the kitchen and noticed that the mess had managed to grow in my 5 minute absence. Couldn't find the dishwashing liquid and then realised that I had put it away like 10 minutes earlier. I ended up having enough time to go finish cleaning my room, but figured what the fuck and played solitaire instead. (the sims won the coin toss but then I realised Anna left it at Nana's)

ah listen to me, you'd almost think I was a mommyblogger.

Anyways I'd kill for a coke right now so I'm off to go put some long warm jeans on and walk back down to the shops.


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