Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dad time!

It's been forever since I've told a dad story, so I couldn't let this one pass.

My sister get's picked up from his place on Tuesday nights, now he lives on a battleax (sp?) block aka a house behind a house, and because he is a controlling fucker out to make everyones life harder nice, he expressly forbid mum to drive on his driveway. So Anna can't see that Mum's there, and it's too far away from the road to toot the horn, so Mum has to ring Anna's mobile. Except Anna always leaves her mobile in her bag or some other stupid inconvenient location, leaving Mum the only option of ringing the house. Which sucks balls for her, because my Dad's a mega arse on the phone to her, and half the time won't even tell Anna she called. And if Mum gets me or Stephen to ring, Dad chucks a tantrum because it's Mum's job, and won't tell Anna anyway. (are we seeing why I don't live with this guy anymore?). So Mum kinda gave up and told Anna to be out the front waiting at 8, which way isn't awesome at all. So now I go down with Mum on tuesdays to go in and get Anna. Now reiterating, this is my father's house. I have a bed there, and a bedroom. I stayed there over christmas. So anyway, I walked in on tuesday night and Anna wasn't perched in front of the TV like is usual, so I walked around to the kitchen:
Me: Hey, where's Anna?
Dad: Don't you knock?
Dad: Since when
Me: Since when have I ever knocked?
Dad: So your just rude then
Me: uh?
Dad: *glares*
Me: ok. where's your stuff Anna?
Dad: So your just going to ignore me
Me: omgwtfshutup uhh, sorry?
Dad: you don't sound sorry
Me: that's because I'm not ....uh?
Dad: this is just another example of your blatant lack of respect
Me: and this is just another example of you being an idiotic twat Knocking isn't parental respect!!
Dad: see, that's what I'm talking about, until you learn to be respectful you'll get nowhere
Me: I never knocked at the old place!
Dad: that was when you lived with me
Me: I didn't always, and even after I left I still didn't knock, and since when does me not living with you make me like, not your daughter or something?
Dad: you don't live here anymore
Me: You don't knock at Oma and Opa's!
Dad: I do if I can't see them
Me: No you don't!
Dad: *goes into educational storytime mode* When I was younger I walked into Oma and Opa's bedroom and
Dad: and Opa gave me a lecture about how I should knock to respect people's privacy, and that is why I respect people, and you should too
Me: My mistake, I didn't realised you were accustomed to having sex in the foyer
Dad: Don't be a smart arse
Me: Well don't make ridiculous arguments
Dad: This is why you can't live here, untill you fix that attitude bla bla bla

Ok, so slow down buddy. Point 1, I quit living with you, not the other way round. Point 2, I don't want to come back here, so quit with telling people that "she'll be back" because even if I wanted to come back, which I don't, I'm not going to up and move all my shit in the middle of my last year of school only to leave to go to uni 7 hours away at the end of the year anyway. Point 3, your arguments are retardly invalid, lack direction and in general suck.

Me: this has nothing to do with my attitude, it's just you being petulant and looking for an argument, I didn't realise it was an issue, consider it noted ANNA GODDAMMIT GET YOUR SHIT MUM IS WAITING

Dad: do you always speak to your sister like that?

Yes I do when she won't get her fucking shit together so we can leave, when Mum's sitting outside waiting and I've been wasting my time arguing about the etiquette of knocking for the past 10 minutes while my sister has been doing god only knows what but it clearly wasn't getting her shit. Is this hard? Would she rather the wait at the road option, because goddamn, it's starting to look like an option.

I was walking around town today and had to message mum to say where I was so she could pick me up when she was done down the street, and Joey wasn't home and then my phone died so I was all crap. So I figured I'd walk up to Dad's cos I knew Heather would be home and use the phone so I rung Mum:
Mum: Where are you?
Me: Dad and Heather's
Mum: Did you knock?
God I love her sense of humour some days. adios xxLivi


  1. Hey, if you see your dad tell him for me that he is a total dick.

  2. hahaha.
    i really admire your ability to fire back bullshit-disarming arguements.

    you really must teach me *nods*


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