Saturday, September 27, 2008

It was the last day of school on thursday, yet I was there yesterday, and I'm going again today. How lame is that.

Don't you just love the standard jokes though? When you get into a particular situation and everyone says the exact same "funny" thing and it's usually accompanied by a chuckle. That's what it was like yesterday. I had to go back in because Anna forgot her lunch, and the entire walk in was like:

random#1: hahaha Can't keep away hey Olivia?
me: LOLZ

random#2: hahaha Can't keep away hey Olivia?
me: LOLZ

random#3: hahaha Can't keep away hey Olivia?
me: LOLZ

and well, you get the picture. Without exagerration I'd have to say it got said atleast 10 times. idiots.

Anyway today I have to go in to be Gloucestor in Midsummer Nights Dream. (Yeah, go figure, it's got Hamlet in it too) Because I'm a Drama nerd like that. And mrs Hall was all raaa you need to practice no one even knows what your character is doing. We need that scene. bla bla bla. Who even has a school group thing on first official day of the holidays anyway? Those little drama kids should be pissed. But they're not. they're just all like 'omg I hope I don't have to go away on a super awesome holiday with rides and souvenirs and rainbows and puppies because I might miss drama club!'

speaking of missing Drama club, I was supposed to be there 4 minutes ago. xo

1 comment:

  1. hahaha oh! lol at the little drama kids! they sound uper awesome stoked about having to go to drama club. lol. you make them sound like losers, which is ironical cos ur in drama club too :P
    ps nice repetition! very effective in creating humour!!


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