did you know?
the tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant the fuck!?!?! how does that work? that'd be some mad making out
the guy who played bugs bunny (the voice, not the bunny, there was no bunny) was allergic to carrots ahaha Irony, the most pleasing of all the language devices
about 50 bibles are sold every minute holy wow, who is buying them?
I mean I know all the cults seem to be loaded, but they arent allowed technology, they should have to rewrite their bibles. None of this printing business. Printing, what is printing? What industrial revolution?
I bet they're predominantly sold to people with kinky twisted incestuos fetishes. I don't think the incest porn market is particularly raging. Seriously though, has anyone read that bit with Lot and his
now THIS is the bit which really amused me, furthemore, The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.
AHA! Ima steal me some righteousness!! ok so lets see..though shalt not steal. Shit.
Moving on, mum and I went for coffee after exams today ( I don't drink coffee, she does, but saying I went for coffee sounds mature and chic, and I'm pretentious like that) Anyway, these two ladies were sitting at the table next to us, and one of them was just not shutting up. You know those people that are just, me me me me me ME me me you ME me me ME me. It was physically painful to listen to.
floral-shirted woman: And she just won't listen, and I say to her, you've got to listen and she won't but of course it's no point, it's fighting a losing battle. I said to her the other day, Mum you haven't been taking your medication! and she says yes I have I have! and I say no you havent and she says oh but I dont need it! *shakes head* losing battle, and you just wonder why you try you do, you just wonder. She's been worse of course, we've all seen her worse, why I was chatting to Mr sucks to be married to me and he agreed of course, but you just feel at your wits end! oh and we went out to my brothers oh yes he's quite the same he's completely in agreence, but he can't talk to her, just can't get the idea there! they've got a complete mind of their own!! completely! It's like talking to a brick wall!
three-tones-too-dark-panty-hose woman: m-
floral-shirted woman: completely pointless she is. See just the other day I says..
Olivia: *is pulling hair out*
I suspect she finds herself talking to a brick wall quite frequently.
Furthermore, I encountered a toss of the day yesterday.
Appointments were running behind time at the chiropractors and this girl was saying that she had to be at work at 5, like not overly worried or anything. And so Melanie the secretary was like oh ok, and then said to some other lady, excuse me mrs rectangle face do you mind if we put miss ponytail in before you, she has to be at work and mrs rectangle face was like *purses lips* oh well, I had somewhere to be too, but no no you put her in. And Melanie was all like, no no I'm very sorry, never mind. mrs rectangle: OH NO! I won't make it anyway, it's ok, I will wait, i do have to be somewhere but nevermind SELF SACRIFICE SELF SACRIFICE OH I AM WONDERFUL AND SO HARD DONE BY AND RECTANGULAR FACED. I mean it's just that when you have an appointment at 4.59 well, you just don't expect to be here at 5 do you. high false superiority laugh.
hate. hate hate. hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Either you let her go in front and shut your face about it, or you politely say you have somewhere to be and don't let her go in front and shut your face about it. Why does it have to be an attention seeking whine fest? And if you're going to let her go in front then why point out your big sacrifice, to make her feel uncomfortable? To guilt the receptionist, whose fault it obviously isn't. Fucker.
Hi Livi, I just found your blog through a comment that you left on my blog. May I just say that you are fucking hilarious? Hurry up and post again for my amusement.