Friday, June 20, 2008


athletics carnival today! my last ever, which is both weird and kind of good. I think its my least favourite carnival, because short distance running is so blergh. my legs are too short for it or something. The 100metres is particularly complainable because its like, the gun goes and by the time I've realised we're supposed to be running everyones already at the end and im all jogs.
but get this, we got kicked off the 800metre race. seriously, here we are being all good and participaty and being brilliant examples for all those young impressionables and they were all meh, we don't have all day get off the course, just because we walked for a bit! I mean hello, you try running 800metres! it's stressful!
High Jump however was hi-larious. (or should i say HIGHlarious.baha.oki'llshutup)
Our school has pretty much never done high jump, but they employed a maths teacher this year who leads a secret second life as an awesome high-jumper, that wins high jump competitions and such. Athletics and maths, i know right? So I guess they then felt the need to include high jump to cure his home sickness or something. I don't know.
But none of us could even get over the lowest rung, and it looks kinda relatively easy, but then you start running at it its like holy fuck, and I dont know why, but it suddenly becomes petrifying, so theres screaming and you end up crashing into it at wacky angles. And mr math-jumper guy was all *tries to assist in our failing at life* "so which is your jumping foot?"
err *blank stare* I have a jumping foot? I mean I know I have a writing hand and all but, a jumping foot? isn't that a little extreme? next they'll be asking for my blowing nostril.
"can i have a tissue?"
"sure, are you left or right nostrilled?"
"oh im a leftie!"
"ahk you'll want this one then"

I really don't have too much time to waste because, TRIALS, so I'll finish this up, and sorry for the short reply but bite me, write your own entertainment. :) x

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh high-jump! how excitement!!!
    cant believe no one got over one :(
    not even the superfreaks??


what do you think?