Sunday, October 12, 2008

It was Sophie's 18th last night - well tuesday but we partied on saturday last night - and talk about fun. As you may or may not know one of my life goals is to pass as 18 when I'm not really. Remember I tried to get into that pub in Sydney on City to Surf? and failed, I may add. So when Sophie decided we were doing a wig themed pub crawl, I was totally pumped.

I don't know why I desire for people to pass me as 18, perhaps I should psych analyse it but I really couldn't be fucked. So anyway, the night was absolutely awesome, and best of all I totally passed as 18. Ok so I lied, that WASN'T best of all (I know, I'm as suprised as you are) there were actually a few best of alls.

We started at the Albion, where for some reason they just assumed we were all eighteen because Soph's mum totally lied and actually told them we were all eighteen. There was a group of about 6 of us I think that weren't 18 so we were all ahhh sticking together etc. The first cocktail I ordered was a Sex on the Beach, because I am five and there is nothing funnier then the word sex. It was actually nice though, if a little chunky.

Oh and I was totally blonde by the way..which doesn't suit me at all, but whatever. It was fun. and at the end of the night I could take the wig off and bam, I'm brunette again!

As we headed from the Albion to the Central early in the night we passed 'Marilyns'. The local brothel. Of course jokes were made and Alana and I were like "Oh my god we should so go in" (why? who says that?. So after we got kicked out of the Central (after totally buying a wild turkey no questions asked, go me!) Clare wanted to go home, so we headed back to the Albion to get her stuff. And of course passed the brothel. So ofcourse Alana and I were all OHMYGODLETSDOITSQUEEGIGGLE. Clare had given me her change to give back to mrs mac so I had 4.20 in my hand and someone was all you should totally be like 'how much can I get for this'. So we grabbed David for extra support and we did.

It took the lady forever to answer the door and Alana looked like she was going to run for it a few times but she didn't (I LOVE YOU LANI I WOULDVE KILLED YOU) and eventually this very stern looking lady answered the door. She was about sixty and looked like she was the principal of a fancy late 1800's boarding school for girls. You know the ones? Or the manager of a whorehouse, either way.

me: uhh(SHITFUCKSHIT) much(AHH)can we (fuckfuckFUCK)..get for this?

sternlookingownerofboardingschoolandorwhorehouse: not funny girls. really. just grow up. grow up.

me: umkay

all 3 of us: *runs*

Yeah if I was that lady I'd be shitted off at us too, but it was soo fun in a kinda knock and run 5 year old way. As Alana pointed out though she did totally shut us down. I mean come on, we got shut down by a prostitute. Massive burn.

Among the best highlights of the night was running into one of my managers from work. I only work Sundays and we have a pretty much permanent sunday crew of B (Bee? bi? I dont know I've never written it) as the manager and then Me, Jack, Joe and Beckett. And whoever else. So Jack and I were both at the party and saw B at one of the pubs and thought we'd do the casual hello thing, because we love B to bits even though we do give her hell a bit.

Us: *casual hello thing*

I must say trashed B is hilarious. She kept telling all her friends basically the same things.

"Guys this is Jack and this is Olivia I work with them. On every sunday. And theyre little fucking arseholes? Aren't you? I love you guys though. Your such bitches though.You your such a dirty bitch Olivia. And I'll tell you whose a real arsehole that David Beckett. Don't you just want to kick him? He's like, smartest science guy in Australia or something isn't he? And he just argues and stuff and your like SHUT UP. HAHAHAHAHA I WHITESLIPPED YOU GUYSSSS" times by a million.

and then she kept saying "yeah I already told you that didn't I?" "yup B you did."

Aside from that she asked for our middle names "Mines Jade..Bianca Jade..How funny is that?!?!?!" and our starsigns. And then started counselling Jack about his Dad issues "He loves you Jack. You need to look at him and say with your eyes that you love him. I'm a very spiritual person". And everytime she got dragged away because they were leaving she ran back and started hugging us and talking to us. It was so hilarious. She ended up being carried away over one of her friends shoulders screaming 'I love you guys!' and got thrown into a taxi.

I absolutely cannot wait to work with her again.

well thats all for now. x


  1. hahahahha seriously, best night in a fucking long long time!!! B definately took the crown for highlight of the night :) she was so hilariously funny. XD when we see her next, oh i cannot wait!!!

  2. hahahahahaha.
    you. asked. what. you. could. get. for. $4.20? *clutches side in laughter related pain*

    oh.. i so want to do that with you =P

    sounds like you had fun.
    love you gorgeous =]

  3. When you're under age, you ALWAYS want to get into the pub. I started trying to get in when I was 14, and sometimes I did! Then you get to be my age, and you wish that someone would at least think you were too young to be in the pub!!!


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