Sunday, October 26, 2008

Julie cooper-nicholing it up


So we decided to go to a ball. As you can see right there^^. Well actually right now, it's not right there. Because I don't know how to put it there.

I said to Mum the other day that I wanted a digital camera for christmas so I can make this more interesting and prettyful. Because I can never be bothered with the family cam. And besides I will be (maybe, hopefully) moving away at the end of the year anyway. I didnt say for the blog actually, just that I wanted a digital camera. Mum knowing I had a blog might lead to Mum reading said blog which might will lead to not goodness.

Mum's reaction was all 'but dont you want to get money so you can buy a laptop?' and hell with that shit. Christmas is the time of year where all my family realises they don't me. I ALWAYS get money. Don't get me wrong, i always WANT money. And when they are all "oh hey, guess what I just realised, I don't know you! so um, what should I get you for christmas?" I'm like "hell, dont worry, I don't know me either! get me money!". So the one time I actually want something, that isnt money, I intend on getting it. Plus if mum gets me a camera thats still money from everyone else, plus birthday money. Bring on the money!

I dont remember the point.

ok so we went to a ball. Because we are at that stage in our lives where we like to think we are all grown up and go to charity balls and pretend we're high society like julie cooper-nichol off the OC with all her dressy charity functions. Yes we're lame.

The ball was organised by my sisters best friends sister for the starlight foundation. Like a week before aforementioned sisters best friend's mum was on the phone to my mum and she was all oh noz, we only have like half the people we were expecting for our ball. And I was all...Ball! Need people? I'll go! So I recruited the folks up there^^^^ (guh the photo is still only there in my imagination)

Anyway there were numerous phone call's between sister's-best-friends-mum (ok, maree) about numbers, money, times so on and so forth. I don't care to entail every detail about the calls, but what I do care to point out is never once were masks mentioned.

Sooo we approach the location of the ball, and we see a few people wearing masks walking in. Weird, hey?

Then as we get to the parking lot...more masks...

So we're all wtf, its masquerade? And Jack Soph and Joey are all ...nice liv, way to tell us its masquerade. And I'm all ..the fuck? I swear to god it's not masquerade! Like it's seriously likely that every other person got it wrong, not me. Or they just all happened to feel like wearing a mask that night.

So we walked into the place and there are masks kinda like everywhere. Which was kinda hilarious. And then some guy on the microphone was all 'hey and welcome to the starlight foundation masquerade ball' and we all laughed for a few hours. Turns out it was masquerade.

Of course despite our admissions that we were so very high society all the way down we spent the evening dropping forks, getting caeser sauce on our noses (ok, my nose), getting food everywhere, and laughing entirely too loudly. Twas quite the fun.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

I need to stop sucking on my pens or I'll die of ink poisoning

I guess Mum and I are close. We can talk about almost everything. Almost everything.

One thing I never intended on talking about my mother with, was sex. I mean granted, there are those 'the birds and the bee's' talks pretty much standard to any childhood. Mine went something like this:

Mum: *mutes tv in ads* do you girls know what sex is?
Me and Anna: yup
Mum: oh good.

the end.

Don't get me wrong my family isn't all uptight about talking about sex, sex can be and is talked about, and there is always the whole, use condoms don't get pregnant deal. I guess the avoided topic was more me having sex.

On the weekend we went out to Stephens. We stayed the night on Saturday and Sunday morning Tony and I woke up early and went out to ride the bikes before breakfast. I had trouble starting the 125 because I'm fucking retarded and didn't think to check if it was switched on at the power switch because of a small problem. After trying to kick start it like a million times and failing repeatedly Tony came over and called me a fucking retard and turned it on fixed the problem. I went to kick start it again and a wave of dizzyness came over me, I couldnt breathe properly and felt really really faint. So I ran back inside and collapsed down at the table and was all '...I don't feel too good' and Mum was all umm shitt. I had a drink and after laying for a bit I felt fine, except for the fact that Tony had fucked off on the 125 because he realised the quad was nearly out of fuel and couldnt be bothered going up to get the other bike. Fucker. Episode over I went out and rode and the day proceeded as usual with no more weird things.

Then monday mum got home from work and was all ra ra I need to talk to you. And I was all *scans past few weeks for something I could be in trouble for* I couldnt locate anything so I was just confused.

Mum: I wanna talk to you about your periods
Me: um? ok?
Mum: Hows the pill going?
Me: yeah its fixed them up
Mum: so you are still on it right?
Me: yes... ...?
Mum: So how have your periods been?
Me: um. period-like?
Mum: when was your last one
Me: like, now.
Mum: ohk good.
Me: ...?
Mum: I thought you might have been pregnant
Mum: because you had that dizzy spell
Me: oh right. well Im on my period so I'm not.
Mum: .........
Mum: couldnt you have said 'wow mum, thats impossible, cos im not having sex'?
Me: oh. fuck. oops.

I think she always knew I was, but we both chose to just keep the mystery there. So that's just awkward now.

But seriously, if you have a seventeen year old daughter, she's been in a relationship for the past year, and you think there's no chance she's having sex, you could be being a tad naive.

thats all for now. except for that english paper 2 sucked. real bad. xx

Monday, October 20, 2008

I just had a weird conversation with a telemarketer:

(because I'm lazy he will be known as guy)

guy: is this mrs my-mums-last-name?
me: nope this is miss my-last-name
guy: oh *is confused as they always are* are you the family of her?
me: yup. she's my mum.
guy: ohok. well it will pleasure you to know that you have won a prize of a phone etcetcetc
me: ok, just a moment, I'm not actually 18 so I can't help you.
guy: you are not 18? *sounds suprised*
me: thats right
guy: could I speak to your mother or father?
me: Sorry Mum's at work
guy: your father? -right about here I'm just irritated-
me: My father doesn't live here.
guy: aren't you scared? -and now I'm kinda weirded out-
me: um. no. of what?
guy: living on your own
me: well I don't live on my own, Mums just working, she'll be home later on tonight
guy: but don't you get scared all on your own? *incredulous*
me: well I'm 17 so it doesnt really bother me. Perhaps I could get mum to return your call?
guy: thankyou I will call later.
me: bye

Rereading it it seems like he was either

a) being very creepy or
b) mocking me in a kind of "aww your so brave little girl" way

but it really didn't seem like either he just seemed very incredulous and it was all very strange.

Really its never occured to me to be more afraid of the usual contenders (spiders, serial killers and what not) when I'm on my own. Perhaps a little more jumpy at noises then usual but that would be the extent of it. And I dont really think that anyone would find it peculiar that a 17year old home on her own at 3 in the afternoon is not concerned.

When I was 15 and lived with Dad he did nightshift and I stayed on my own the whole night and that didn't bother me. My aunty was all OHMYGOD I GET SCARED ON MY OWN IN THE NIGHT COME STAY HERE and stuff. I don't know whether she actually does or if she just wanted free babysitting. She does like free babysitting. Not in the sense of ohok now your here I can go out. More like, wow your here, the children are being entertained and Noah just got fed bathed and is asleep. We used to go there on tuesdays after school if Dad was on afternoon shift (Anna, unlike me, HATES being on her own)and I'd watch Noah and play games with the other kids and play those annoying repetitive little kid games with Noah and aeroplane him his food and take him and bath him and dress him and take him out to say night to Mum and Dad and tell him stories till he fell asleep. So then tuesday became the night that she would invite her friends around for dinner and my once bitchy judgemental Aunty was completely in love with me. It was a hilarious transition. the end.

Ps. I never know how to end blogs.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't you hate it when people talk to you when you're asleep?

Yesterday morning before going to work Mum came in and asked me to hang the wash out when I got up. Apparently I concurred. I however have no recollection of this because, I was asleep! Seriously, why not write a note? Firstly it's irritating that she woke me and further I thought it would be pretty obvious that I'm not going to remember something I "heard" while I was still virtually asleep.

Then this morning, mum worked again, and Anna couldn't catch the bus because she had to take her Saxophone to school. And she's all ohnoz i hate taking it on the bus and such. So Nana came over to take her to school. And came in to my room and had a conversation with me while she was waiting for anna!! Seriously, what the hell. I was asleep. And I really don't remember any of what we were talking about apart from she kept asking me smalltalk questions and I kept responding with "mmmph" and similar sounds and not properly formed words. And inside my head I was screaming FUCK OFF I WANT TO SLEEEEP. please?

Did I say I wasn't going to update because of the HSC? Because I lied. evidently. But I guess I should make this short, as King Lear awaits. So as I've had my little whinge, farewell!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I totally had a grown up momet the other day...As I mentioned somewhere down there *gestures in general direction of previous blogs* the family went away for a few days and the day mum left she was all AH I AM SO STRESSED AND I WAS GOING TO DO THE VACUUMING AND I HAVENT EVEN PACKED ...if you go time could you do the vacuuming? And so I was all yes! yes! fine! excellent! quit stressing, please. Because she drives me insane when she stresses and she was supposed to be having a stress free time away and such.

Obviously, I didn't vacuum until the very day she was coming home. If this does not seem at all obvious to you then you obviously havent experienced many teenagers. Because hell baby we procrastinate. We are at that stage of our lives where we KNOW it would make sense to get it out of the way because it is logical and people tell us and all of that. But we havent quite experienced it enough to go "oh hey, it works better this way" so we'll stick with procrastination for the time being. Who knows maybe its not a teenage thing at all, maybe I will procrastinate forever. Whatever. So I vacuumed.

And then like, two days later, I was walking through the kitchen and it was all icky on my feet and I was all "your fucking kidding, i vacuumed like all of ten minutes ago, ah i hate the world ra ra ra ra ra, this is so frustrating etc etc" and Mum just looked at me and laughed all knowingly. Shut up mum.

It was Anna's first day back at school on Monday and boy was that weird. It was kind of sad really. I woke up when Mum got up and was getting ready for work and then she left at 7. Then Anna left at 8.30 and I was all .....bye..... and she was like yeah, bye. And so then it was just me and Maggie. And I was all just you and me Maggie we might go for a walk or something later. And then Pa arrived at like nine and Maggie ran out into his truck and was gone too.

So I did get some study done, and as weird as it felt in the morning and I borderline missed them and all when they got home I completely regretted that. I was in the middle of rewriting my journeys essay and Mum started opening emails and playing clips and such, and Anna started doing Piano practice and Maggie kept nudging my feet and sneezing on them which is GROSS. And I flipped the fuck out like a psychopath and pissed off to my room and fell asleep.

the end. hsc starts on Friday by the way. so probably no entries for awhile. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (kill me)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It was Sophie's 18th last night - well tuesday but we partied on saturday last night - and talk about fun. As you may or may not know one of my life goals is to pass as 18 when I'm not really. Remember I tried to get into that pub in Sydney on City to Surf? and failed, I may add. So when Sophie decided we were doing a wig themed pub crawl, I was totally pumped.

I don't know why I desire for people to pass me as 18, perhaps I should psych analyse it but I really couldn't be fucked. So anyway, the night was absolutely awesome, and best of all I totally passed as 18. Ok so I lied, that WASN'T best of all (I know, I'm as suprised as you are) there were actually a few best of alls.

We started at the Albion, where for some reason they just assumed we were all eighteen because Soph's mum totally lied and actually told them we were all eighteen. There was a group of about 6 of us I think that weren't 18 so we were all ahhh sticking together etc. The first cocktail I ordered was a Sex on the Beach, because I am five and there is nothing funnier then the word sex. It was actually nice though, if a little chunky.

Oh and I was totally blonde by the way..which doesn't suit me at all, but whatever. It was fun. and at the end of the night I could take the wig off and bam, I'm brunette again!

As we headed from the Albion to the Central early in the night we passed 'Marilyns'. The local brothel. Of course jokes were made and Alana and I were like "Oh my god we should so go in" (why? who says that?. So after we got kicked out of the Central (after totally buying a wild turkey no questions asked, go me!) Clare wanted to go home, so we headed back to the Albion to get her stuff. And of course passed the brothel. So ofcourse Alana and I were all OHMYGODLETSDOITSQUEEGIGGLE. Clare had given me her change to give back to mrs mac so I had 4.20 in my hand and someone was all you should totally be like 'how much can I get for this'. So we grabbed David for extra support and we did.

It took the lady forever to answer the door and Alana looked like she was going to run for it a few times but she didn't (I LOVE YOU LANI I WOULDVE KILLED YOU) and eventually this very stern looking lady answered the door. She was about sixty and looked like she was the principal of a fancy late 1800's boarding school for girls. You know the ones? Or the manager of a whorehouse, either way.

me: uhh(SHITFUCKSHIT) much(AHH)can we (fuckfuckFUCK)..get for this?

sternlookingownerofboardingschoolandorwhorehouse: not funny girls. really. just grow up. grow up.

me: umkay

all 3 of us: *runs*

Yeah if I was that lady I'd be shitted off at us too, but it was soo fun in a kinda knock and run 5 year old way. As Alana pointed out though she did totally shut us down. I mean come on, we got shut down by a prostitute. Massive burn.

Among the best highlights of the night was running into one of my managers from work. I only work Sundays and we have a pretty much permanent sunday crew of B (Bee? bi? I dont know I've never written it) as the manager and then Me, Jack, Joe and Beckett. And whoever else. So Jack and I were both at the party and saw B at one of the pubs and thought we'd do the casual hello thing, because we love B to bits even though we do give her hell a bit.

Us: *casual hello thing*

I must say trashed B is hilarious. She kept telling all her friends basically the same things.

"Guys this is Jack and this is Olivia I work with them. On every sunday. And theyre little fucking arseholes? Aren't you? I love you guys though. Your such bitches though.You your such a dirty bitch Olivia. And I'll tell you whose a real arsehole that David Beckett. Don't you just want to kick him? He's like, smartest science guy in Australia or something isn't he? And he just argues and stuff and your like SHUT UP. HAHAHAHAHA I WHITESLIPPED YOU GUYSSSS" times by a million.

and then she kept saying "yeah I already told you that didn't I?" "yup B you did."

Aside from that she asked for our middle names "Mines Jade..Bianca Jade..How funny is that?!?!?!" and our starsigns. And then started counselling Jack about his Dad issues "He loves you Jack. You need to look at him and say with your eyes that you love him. I'm a very spiritual person". And everytime she got dragged away because they were leaving she ran back and started hugging us and talking to us. It was so hilarious. She ended up being carried away over one of her friends shoulders screaming 'I love you guys!' and got thrown into a taxi.

I absolutely cannot wait to work with her again.

well thats all for now. x

Saturday, October 11, 2008

fare thee well msn

Mum and Anna got home from Sydney last night, which was kind of annoying because having the house to myself for two nights was pretty sweet. Mum took me down to Joe's and in the car she was like "did Joe come up while I was away?" "nope" "did you have any of your friends up?" "nope" "your weird" "uhhh...what??"

So apparently, Stephen was all "Olivia will have people over" and Mum was all "pff no she won't" and Stephen was all "come on, don't be naive" so then Mum thought about it and was like "hmm I totally wouldve had people over when I was her age" or something.

Perhaps it is weird, but it never occured to me to have people over just because Mum was away. And if I did want to have people over I would have just asked anyway. Not because I'm a goody goody but because it just seems pointless to do it behind her back.

Allow me to be grossly teenager for a moment here but: Mum's in a shitty mood for no apparent reason and it's not my fucking fault so she can take it out on someone else. It's really not fair that just because she is shitty Anna and I have to put up with. And I was like "we haven't done anything!" and she was like "yeah thats the point then isnt it!" which was clearly just her scrambling for a response and was totally unfair because I vacuumed yesterday! What the fuck!! Bitch.

Feel free to ignore ^^^

In other news I'm back to a status of no msn. Because it's bad for study and such. Can I last? Who knows..hopefully. But I still have this and facebook so I guess it's not going to help with study all that much anyway. sigh.

I think thats all for now x

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dog or child?

I have slowly come to the realisation that Maggie is not a dog, but rather a child. She gets treated absolutely human. She sleeps inside, she gets talked to, she doesnt wear a lead when she gets walked, she never gets left home on her own anymore. When we go to Dad's to pick Anna up on Tuesdays she gets asked if she's coming. And responds by either sitting on the lounge or jumping up and running out to the car.

Anyway, yesterday, after Pa dropped me home the following took place (Maggie goes out to the farm to work with Pa most days that arent weekends)

Pa: I'll leave Maggie with you tomorrow, your not doing anything are you?
Me: not sure, but if you want to take her you can, don't just leave her cos I'm home
Pa: Nah I'm going out to the saleyards and don't want to take her out
Me: ok I'll have her then. I'll drop her round with Nana if I go anywhere.

Then last night I realised Maths study was on at school at 11. I didn't wake this morning till 10 so I had to run around like crazy getting ready, and I rung Nana for a ride into town. But she wasn't home. So I packed my shit, told Maggie we were going, and started walking into town. I got to my Nana and Pa's place, took Maggie in and left her there. Because if I had left her at home she wouldve just run over there and Nana would be coming home soon, wheras I was going to be probably the whole day. And I'm too much of a sap to tie her up at home, especially when I know it will be for hours. So I left her and continued into town. About halfway into town, I heard voices and turned around, as you do, and just past the couple of giggly gossiping women, clearly walking along the main road in their spandexy tights to shout out to the world 'WE'RE HEALTHY' what do I see but Maggie, bounding along with an incredibly satisfied look on her little dogface. SIGH.

So ofcourse I was all "the fuck!! I left you at Nana's!! what are you doing?? AHHHHH. FUCKER" at her. Under my breath and after the healthy women had passed of course. And what could I do? Rock up to school with my dog? Evidently she found the idea of being at Maths study with me more appealing then being at Nana's alone. So with an exasperated sigh directed very obviously at her, I turned around and headed home. I couldn't take her back to Nana's because she would just follow me again so I had to come all the way home, to put her on the chain. Which I didn't end up doing because by the time I got home, it was after 11, and maths study started at 11, and it takes an hour to walk to school from home so there would really be no point.

None of my glares and mutterings seemed to faze her and she seems blissfully ignorant to me being pissed off at her, mainly she is just sitting here looking incredibly pleased with herself. stupid dog.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

practically a family reunion

soooo...she had another TIA on saturday (or whatever the fuck they're called) and she's in hospital. It was no worse then the first, but as it happened twice within three days they thought they'd get her in there for some tests and such.

So saturday morning was a whirlwind of phone calls and texts and organising shit and trying to get everything I needed to get done so I could get down to the hospital. She was similar to how she was the first day, and my cousin Gebe was down from queensland so we ended up sitting at the other end of the room just talking about it all while she was sleeping. It was nice, I miss her.

One thing I do love about my family, is that it has a strong family atmosphere, like a community feel or something? I don't think I explained that very well. But like, crisis has struck so to speak, and my Oma got taken to hospital about 9. I spent the morning texting Dad and then by the time I got to the hospital at 11 Eddy and Jus were there, having taken a detour out of their trip to down to Tasmania. Eddies on the phone to Mary, Katie's fixing up Oma while Gebe texts Luke, and Jus jumps up and hugs me and starts filling me in on everything. Liz is on her way down from Parkes, Mary's packing her bags, Katies been talking to Anne and chances are she'll be jumping on a plane as soon as she can. It was insane. And it always is. All the nurses make comments like 'your popular Elisabeth' and she just grins.

As it were, I just got a phone call from Dad (cos my phone is rooted, grrr) saying that tante Annemiek has landed in the country. wooters.

more later. Probably on something else. I'm sure your all sick of hearing.

Ps. I don't care that they got slaughtered, the storms will always pwn manly completely. fuckers.

Friday, October 3, 2008

look out Bale Boshev

Well I went to see Oma again, and all is well. Her only issue was that she had lost her shoes and hence had been walking around in only socks since the mini-stroke thing. I found it peculiar that she'd failed to mention this to anyone until when I visited at nearly 5 the next day, particularly as she seemed

a) very concerned as to their whereabouts and

b) determined that try as I may to look I wouldn't find them

nonetheless a short trip to her room found them behind her bed, which in turn found her pleasently suprised. That was, perhaps, the extent of the conversation apart from the details of a letter from her african sponser-priest. It's Academic was on, see. Grade school game shows really hit a spot with my bordeline ninety grandmother, go figure. Essentially though, in the watching of tv and thus limited conversation, she was acting completely normally again which made me breathe a huge sigh of relief.

My Aunty, Uncle and cousins came into visit, shortly after I'd located the wayward shoes so the remainder of the visit was spent sitting cross-legged on the floor discussing becoming a lawyer with my ..11 year old..I think..cousin. He's all kinds of adorable and although I say that I don't have favourite cousins, and also name a majority of my cousins favourites, he's definately a favourite. He's one of those really inquisite kids that will just sit and talk to you for hours and ask question after question and takes absolutely everything in. And he always has something interesting to say. My Auntie mentioned study so thus commences:

Jacob: what are you studying for?


Jacob: yeah I know, but what do you want to do next year, like Ben wants to be a doctor

Me: oh right, a Lawyer

Jacob: cool. Are you going to work in local or supreme court?

Me: uhhh..not sure yet

Jacob: What firm are you going to work for? Bale Boshev?

Me: I don't know..

Jacob: oh, you should work for them. or there is another one that always has adds.

and so on. He thought through my career in law more in 5 minutes then I have in 3 years. sheesh.

Our conversation then went towards year 12 muck up day, and we discussed things he could do when he's in year 12 (holy shit I will be 24!) and talked through every single prank that we pulled. Which reminds me, here is the (somewhat failed) video we made a few days before we left of us (attempting) to scare people.


i promise i'll visit more

My Oma had a TIA yesterday. I'm really not too sure what that stands for, but it is basically a mini-stroke, and warning of an impending actual stroke. The thought of which freaks me out, but her doctor is supposed to be all over it and such. It happened at breakfast yesterday and I was sitting on here bludging as I do and I got an email from my uncle Michael, telling everyone about it. I knew Dad was at work and thus wouldn't have gotten the email, so I rung him and let him know what had happened. Then as soon as mum got the car back from having it cleaned headed down to see her. As much as I knew that she'd just had a ministroke I wasn't expecting her to be still confused, or maybe I was but it still threw me. She knew who I was and told me that 'daddy came to visit' but she also told me that Gertrude came to visit probably five times and asked if I had a boyfriend and who he was atleast four times. When she's met Joe. Then she slipped into dutch and started eagerly telling me something, and the only words I picked up were 'three' and 'you' and I had to remind her that I couldn't understand dutch, which kinda broke my heart a little cos her face fell and she said 'oh yeah..i forgot' and then couldnt remember what she wanted to tell me and looked really sad. I sat and brushed her hair for awhile and talked about christmas coming soon and then she started to get really drowsy so I told her I had to go and laid her down and said to get some sleep. Then I walked out of her room and did my best not to burst into tears right there. I pulled myself together and went and talked to the nurses and made sure that they were expecting her to be still confused. They were which made me a little happier, because Michael hadn't mentioned that she was still confused and I was partially worrying that she had slipped back into the TIA or something. I let them know that she was sleeping and they said that was good and I left. I called Dad later on last night and he said he was worried because his first visit was a break from work and he had only dropped in quickly, then after work he took Anna down and they stayed for awhile and she wasn't making sense and telling them same things. I told him that she was like that when I visited and what the nurse said which made him feel better and we both said we'd visit today. He text me about 9 to tell me he'd been in and she was feeling alot better and out at the dining room and not confused. Thank fuck. that is all I can say to that.

Of course now that I know she's ok I'm feeling guilty because I don't visit her enough and I always intend to go see her and then put it off or forget or something. I'm going down to see her as soon as Mum gets home from work. But from now on I'm going to make a better effort to see her more, whether she's sick or not.

So that was my yesterday, and so far my today has been ok. I went for a swim this morning, my second one of the season! I love I better get some study done xx

Thursday, October 2, 2008

do you floss?

I am so bad at study. guh. I was going to start yesterday, but I swear everytime I go to get off the computer someone signs on or starts a conversation with me.

Like tuesday morning I was all set to leave when Mitch, who came to see Muse with us last year started talking to me. I mean what, he never talks to me, I've met him once? So of course, I stay. I had hotel yorba lyrics in my name and so he started a conversation with the next line, and we proceeded to msn the whole song. and then I was all OMG no one knows that song?? and he was like yeah you always have really good lyrics in your name. So then I was all wow...someone notices my name lyrics?? So now I'm going to be all self-conscious when putting lyrics in my name. Because I crave approval and such.

hmm I just finished brushing my teeth, and you know what, I didn't floss. Because I never floss. Because flossing irritates me and makes me feel like my teeth will fall out or something. I know thats illogical. But it got me thinking, does anyone actually floss? I went to the dentist not too long ago and the harpie assistant lady was all ra ra ra you don't floss do you?!? DO YOU!?!?! HUH!?!?! YOU NEED TO FLOSS!!!! SANTA KNOWS THESE THINGS!! etc. and i was like *sigh* ok I will floss. But I didn't. my sister pretends to floss, like she talks like she does and has a little floss brush thing, but I know she never uses it. we share a bathroom ok. Anyway, so my theory is: no one actually flosses. I'm going to start asking people now. Because it's pointless procrastination.

so far: 3 no flosses (me, sophie, anna) 1 floss (mum) - oh as if she's not just pretending to be a good influence. oh I am lame.

in retrospect, this blog has been relatively uninteresting, how dissapointing of me. I will try and get something more interesting for next time. xxLivi