So we decided to go to a ball. As you can see right there^^. Well actually right now, it's not right there. Because I don't know how to put it there.
I said to Mum the other day that I wanted a digital camera for christmas so I can make this more interesting and prettyful. Because I can never be bothered with the family cam. And besides I will be (maybe, hopefully) moving away at the end of the year anyway. I didnt say for the blog actually, just that I wanted a digital camera. Mum knowing I had a blog might lead to Mum reading said blog which
Mum's reaction was all 'but dont you want to get money so you can buy a laptop?' and hell with that shit. Christmas is the time of year where all my family realises they don't me. I ALWAYS get money. Don't get me wrong, i always WANT money. And when they are all "oh hey, guess what I just realised, I don't know you! so um, what should I get you for christmas?" I'm like "hell, dont worry, I don't know me either! get me money!". So the one time I actually want something, that isnt money, I intend on getting it. Plus if mum gets me a camera thats still money from everyone else, plus birthday money. Bring on the money!
I dont remember the point.
ok so we went to a ball. Because we are at that stage in our lives where we like to think we are all grown up and go to charity balls and pretend we're high society like julie cooper-nichol off the OC with all her dressy charity functions. Yes we're lame.
The ball was organised by my sisters best friends sister for the starlight foundation. Like a week before aforementioned sisters best friend's mum was on the phone to my mum and she was all oh noz, we only have like half the people we were expecting for our ball. And I was all...Ball! Need people? I'll go! So I recruited the folks up there^^^^ (guh the photo is still only there in my imagination)
Anyway there were numerous phone call's between sister's-best-friends-mum (ok, maree) about numbers, money, times so on and so forth. I don't care to entail every detail about the calls, but what I do care to point out is never once were masks mentioned.
Sooo we approach the location of the ball, and we see a few people wearing masks walking in. Weird, hey?
Then as we get to the parking lot...more masks...
So we're all wtf, its masquerade? And Jack Soph and Joey are all ...nice liv, way to tell us its masquerade. And I'm all ..the fuck? I swear to god it's not masquerade! Like it's seriously likely that every other person got it wrong, not me. Or they just all happened to feel like wearing a mask that night.
So we walked into the place and there are masks kinda like everywhere. Which was kinda hilarious. And then some guy on the microphone was all 'hey and welcome to the starlight foundation masquerade ball' and we all laughed for a few hours. Turns out it was masquerade.
Of course despite our admissions that we were so very high society all the way down we spent the evening dropping forks, getting caeser sauce on our noses (ok, my nose), getting food everywhere, and laughing entirely too loudly. Twas quite the fun.