Tuesday, September 9, 2008

stupefy! and I wouldn't even consider an enervate.

ok so I was all YAY BLOG!! I AM GOING TO WRITE A MILLION ENTRIES!! etc. but I didn't. I'm not really sure why. Partly because there was still way too much to do, partly because I started playing the sims, and partly because I had things I intended on writing about when I only really write if something has just happened. Otherwise I just go oh I should write about that time, but in reality it's like meh.

The point is. blogtime!

Our end of year formal is coming up. guh. I hate events. I hate anything that involves any of the following:

-decoration committees
-a dress
-make up

I guess my main issue is really parents. Because I avoid all those committees like snape to shampoo. bah yeah I made a Harry Potter crack. You don't think I still read Harry Potter? Guess again, entire series re-read last holidays, and I try to curse my english teacher in class. It gives me something to focus on other then killing myself. and yes I know they wont work, but it makes me feel better. shut up. I can't remember my point. Oh yeah. Parents. Mostly I just don't tell my Dad when stuffs on like drama nights because I doubt he would care and he would just criticise whatever I did and then tell me how bored he was and then go on about how good he is for coming. Whatever. Jerk. But the formal is supposedly a big deal and so I feel obliged to invite him.

A part of me is worried that as him and Mum hate each other they will cause a scene. Well, he will cause a scene. I know my mum won't do that to me but at the same time she'll only take so much crap before she's all stuff this and pops a cap in his arse. or similar. And my Dad causes scenes. And likes to cause trouble. I've been stifling that part of me with the solution that I'll give them both a talking to, mainly him. I'm thinking he knows I won't take it and the minute anything is up, and I know how to read the signs, I'll get him kicked out, so he won't do anything. Or even possibly he wouldn't want to sabotage the vague salvage of a relationship we've revived. That's hopeful.

Ok so guestlist: Mum and Dad. Plus I'm inviting my friend that changed schools in year 10. But I definately want Stephen their too because I like him and he's cool. And he's been a part of my life for awhile. Ok so that's 4. But then I'm inviting mum and Stephen and just Dad. Yet Dad lives with Heather. So it would probably be the right thing to invite her too. And Heather and I have always gotten along, she doesnt get along with my sister so I've stopped liking her, but technically we still get along. So I will feel rude if I invite Stephen but not her. (oh what would Ita Buttrose do!). But that would be 5 guests. guh. I thought about it more and I'm going to be doing year 12 things and Mum will have Stephen and Mum knows all my friends parents heaps better then Dad does. So if Dad actually makes the effort to come I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. So I have to invite Heather too. And I did want to invite my Nana but I guess not. sigh.

On a completely unrelated topic, have you ever noticed that if you're not doing anything, you can continue not doing anything for a long time. But as soon as you do something you end up never getting back to doing nothing. That made no sense did it. Kinda like work breeds work exponentially. I'll graph it. ha not. Ok so story.

I was blogging all that just up there and I realised that I wasn't wearing my glasses. (insert lecture from optometrist soaked in corny jokes and winks here). So after putting it off for awhile I got up and went to the loungeroom to get them. Mum and Stephen were in there and mum saw me and was all could you just get me some of that Custard tart and ice cream please. Fine. So I naturally ask Stephen if he wants some. So I went to the kitchen to get that, I walk in and my dog jumps up thinking I'm getting her dinner. And continues to follow me around with a look assuming I am doing just that. I realise that her guilt will win me over so I feed her. Which is ew because dogfood is ew. So I went to wash my hands. And realised that my towel wasn't on the rack when I went to dry them and by god am I going to be cold when I get out of the shower in the morning. So I went to get my towel out of my room and realised that I still have Joey's jumper and should take it to school so took it our to my schoolbag. At this point I started laughing and thought to myself 'I should totally write a blog about this' and then remembered that I WAS writing a blog in the first place. yes I am a loser.


1 comment:

  1. yes this comment is like.. way past its used by date because that blog was posted a while back.. but ANYWAY.

    you are one gorgeous person! =]

    love you.

    p.s can i have some tart with custard and ice cream? =D


what do you think?