I can't believe I finish school in 3 days. Like, forever. That's some crazy shit.
The little girl that always saves a seat for me on the afternoon bus can't believe it either. I told her today and her eyes got all wide and then she looked all forlorn and said "but..I'm going to miss you!" which was so damn cute. It's a cool thought that someone is going to miss me and kinda strange that out of all the people that could possibly miss me, it was the 8-year old that I've only known for about 2 years and that I see about three times a week for twenty minutes. It got me thinking anyway and I don't even remember how we became friends, or why she saves me a seat. weird. she is kind of cool though. I told her that one day next term I'd come into town and catch the bus home just to see her.
As it is the end of schooling we have decided that we would like to give the teachers a thankyou morning tea. Which cracks me up a lot because obviously we haven't decided to do this, we just got told to. I think it's a cool idea and I'm totally into it, it just kind of kills it when it's put forward as compulsory. Like aren't they missing the point? It would be much cooler if they just left it, because we would have done it, or something similar anyway as a thankyou, and it would seem more genuine. I hate falsity. But putting that aside, I am totally cooking right now and goddamn I suck. So in blogging tradition I will share my recipes:
Chocolate Strawberries
The little girl that always saves a seat for me on the afternoon bus can't believe it either. I told her today and her eyes got all wide and then she looked all forlorn and said "but..I'm going to miss you!" which was so damn cute. It's a cool thought that someone is going to miss me and kinda strange that out of all the people that could possibly miss me, it was the 8-year old that I've only known for about 2 years and that I see about three times a week for twenty minutes. It got me thinking anyway and I don't even remember how we became friends, or why she saves me a seat. weird. she is kind of cool though. I told her that one day next term I'd come into town and catch the bus home just to see her.
As it is the end of schooling we have decided that we would like to give the teachers a thankyou morning tea. Which cracks me up a lot because obviously we haven't decided to do this, we just got told to. I think it's a cool idea and I'm totally into it, it just kind of kills it when it's put forward as compulsory. Like aren't they missing the point? It would be much cooler if they just left it, because we would have done it, or something similar anyway as a thankyou, and it would seem more genuine. I hate falsity. But putting that aside, I am totally cooking right now and goddamn I suck. So in blogging tradition I will share my recipes:
-however many strawberry punnets Anna and I can stack onto everything else we are already carrying
-2 blocks of white chocolate, the normal stuff not the cooking stuff because that shit tastes like shit.
-2 blocks of normal chocolate, as above
1. Have an argument about whether the strawberries should have the green things on the top or not. Clearly they should have them on cos how else are you going to pick up the strawberry? and also I win because they're not Anna's teachers. Well actually they are. As we go to the same school. But she's not giving them morning tea. so shut up. The green things stay, mofo.
2. break the normal chocolate up in a bowl and sit it ontop of a saucepan with water in it on the stove.
3. Wait for it to melt
4. Turn the stove on. Melting is more successful this way.
5. Dip the strawberries in the chocolate and sit them on the cooling rack
6. Get pissed at Anna for secretly making one without the green thing to make a point. And no it is not better that way.
7. Once chocolate is hard take off cooling rack
9. Realise that half the chocolate has come off the strawberries and is sticking on the fucking cooling rack. fuck.
10. trying not to be pissed off that this isn't taking the 10 minutes you anticipated, melt some more chocolate, but turn the heat right up to make it melt quicker, cos you're way over this
11. Ok so start again and just keep it on low, chocolate burns, who would have thought.
12. Ring mum and be all ra ra ra ra I'm trying to melt strawberries and it won't work and I hate the world to fill time whilst waiting for the chocolate to melt slowly and not burn.
13. take mum's suggestion and rub oil onto a piece of baking paper
14. Redo strawberries and put them on the baking paper, whilst being pissed that Anna got bored and went to watch TV at about step 7.
15. Put them in the fridge and SUCCESS!
so I made raspberry swirl cupcakes and a cake aswell but that process was relatively boring so I'll leave it at that. Oh and ps, strawberries got eaten first, shit yeah bitches. I totally rock.
I think you are adorable and if you ever move to the states I plan to adopt you.
ReplyDeleteyou are going to cook for me *nods*. ooo we can so asplore and cook together =D
lol! hahahaha that is so funny! i lurveeee the recipe, hilarious! it was funny from the wrod go, like step one: have an arguement :P lolololol!!! FUNNY!