Sunday, July 13, 2008

I was sick

so yeah, I went like, an ENTIRE week without posting. wow. My excuse being strep throat (i think that's what the doctor said? I was kinda like, whatever I want to sleep. And then he tied my shoelaces up. which was weird.)

Because it's been like, a whole week, in an attempt to make this post readable length, I shall make it a list post.

Things I have learnt over the past week

1. Although Joey might be willing to sit with me tirelessly and tell me I'm beautiful even though I am actually gross and sick and put up with me making gross nose noises and still want to kiss me even though i threw up, other people are less patient with sick me. Particularly my Nana, Pa and Mum. I think my mum would rather just put me down when I'm sick, my bad.

2. Limewire is slow. So very slow. All I wanted was to listen to Maggie May ONE time.
No I don't know why I needed to listen to Maggie May, I just had an unexplainable Rod Stewart craving, whatever, limewire should get it's goddam shit together.

3. Don't ever do anything remotely risque without double checking that the blinds are closed the right way. Ever.

4. Talented though I may be in cooking Mexican Bean Lasagne, it is doubtlessly the only thing I can cook. Notable amongst failings are poached eggs, gravy and packet pasta. Yes there was a fire, yes it was caused by packet pasta and no I didn't think that was possible either.

5. People find the term 'motherfucker' offensive. Ok so let me explain a little here, I'm not retarded, I do realise that if you called out "motherfucker" to some random, theyre not going to be particularly impressed. Furthermore I realise that to use the term in any conversation is taking a fair risk. But here is the story: Anna's at Dad's for the week cos it's school holidays, I went down there one day while Dad was at work to make sure everything was ok with her (yeah i know right, she's 14, she gets babied) because Mum is all teh worry cos our stepmum was a massive beotch to her last holidays, and just to hang out with her because I had time to kill. Mum picked me up on the way home from work cos I felt sick and didnt want to walk home, so Anna came up to say hello and we were all sitting in the car talking and Anna was like "whats a mofo?" and I was like "motherfucker" and mum was all "Olivia Honorah Crazydutchlastname!!" and I was all "it's what it means?" and mum was all "I don't care I don't want to hear you saying that ever again". Which I found kind of crazy, because my mum's usually triple lax about swearing, evidently I would never dream of calling her a motherfucker, but I don't see how it's offensive in explaining something. I use the word's mother and fucker in her presence constantly without an issue. Like "Omg that fucker totally cut me off" "Daley's a big fucker" "God Dad's being a fucker lately" "happy mothers day" ..ok so I had trouble thinking of a sitch where I would use mother instead of mum without sounding like a complete knob. But anyway, it's weird that you put the two together and all of a sudden it's taboo. Society is weird.

6. No matter how many times I listen to 'Black Betty' it never gets old

7. the same goes for the Ben Folds Album

8. the same does NOT go for anything by midnight oil. Sorry baldy.

9. Mum and Stephen might be moving in together. I probably wouldn't have discovered this had I not been sick because usually I am busy doing my own thing not paying attention to mum looking at houses on the internet. But I was sick so I was all what are you doingggg I'm sickkkk talk to meeee waaaaaaaaaa. Naturally my mum just ignored me so I came and sat next to her and was all "huh. thats a nice house. unrelated conversation bla bla. hey wait a minute. are you moving in with Stephen?" So that's kinda cool for them. I would be all pissy and like ergh I don't want to up and move all my stuff, I like my room, can't stephen just move here, except silently cos I'm happy for my mum. And by silently I mean on here. But she was all yeah, it won't be till next year, because then we will only have two kids at home, cos I will be at uni, and they will thus be able to have a smaller house for only them and Tony and Anna. I pointed out that at the end of the year when I move away, Greg is due back from Scotland and I'm pretty sure he doesn't own his own house. Then my mum pointed out that I should shut up with my plan ruining logic. When I went to Anna's (well Dad's, but it's not like he spoke to me) pretty much the first conversation was like omg mum and stephen might be moving in together and she was all omg wtf? wow. And so then we debated the pro's and con's, main con being stephen can be annoying with his forrest gump style sense of humour and main pro being, new house!

10. Joey is wayy more of a worrier then me. I used to be the hugest worrier and no matter what happened I always assumed the worst. But then I started telling myself to get the fuck over it, and I didn't realise until the other day, that I really have. Which is good because I don't want to live the rest of my life all insecure and stuff. But anyway, he was trying to message me on monday night, but my phone died, and when I put it on the charger I had three messages from him, two were just normal messages and then the last one was like "are you mad at me". And I was all what? why would I be mad? Because he hadn't even done anything to make me mad. And when we do do stuff that makes each other mad we usually just get over it anyway. For someone so retarded at relationships in my family, I kinda rock this whole being in a relationship and not fighting thing. Ok so we rock it, and I'm pretty sure it's mainly thanks to joey, but our "arguments" are usually like:
"that thing you did hurt me"
"ohk, i can/cant see why it did. I wont do it again, if it bothers you"
I think the point of the story was going to be if I message him and he doesnt message back I'm just like huh. he must have his phone off/not have heard it/have some other legititimate reason for not replying. I don't doubt that he still thinks I'm awesome and like the best thing since sliced bread. Shit maybe I dont tell him he's awesome and the best thing since sliced bread enough. (Goddamn I still am a bit of a worrier/insecure)

Just for clarity, I have never told Joey he's the best thing since sliced bread. I sure as hell am going to now though.

11. My body does not agree with penicillin. Maybe it's because I told it that it's kinda moldy bread. I dont know. But I pretty much deduced from the timing of my throwing up that they were causing it, so I didn't take them today and I feel better! yays!

12. I do not have the ability to post a short post, list or no list

Enough of my boring, this post has gone foreeveerr and i need to go read all the blogs i havent read for like, a whole week. xxLivi


  1. Okay, but when you go to uni don't you still come home when it's Christmas and stuff? Where will you sleep in the new house?

    But I like it that you're happy for your Mum. She deserves happiness after being married to your jerk-off Dad. (Look at me, all up in your family's business after reading your journal for 2 weeks.)

    Also, why aren't you an Internet blogging phenom? You are fucking hilarious.

  2. yeah I'd still have a bed, my sister and I would probably share a room except it would be hers most of the year, and same with my stepbrother/s who have left home, I guess they just need less room if it's only a full house some of the year.

    also i love people being all up in my family's business so it's all good :)


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