Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Birthday

twas the fathers birthday today. Naturally Anna and I organised to go and see him. Well Anna organised to go see him and then asked me whether I was coming and I sighed a yes. Him and the stepmother were going out to dinner so we were going down after he finished work until before dinner. (suits me beotches, in and out) I will admit, it wasn't terrible.

For the entirety of the event we played crash bandicoot three (Warped!) on playstation 1. Hell yeah that's my kind of party. I freaking love crash bandicoot and seeing as I don't stay at Dad's ever anymore I hadnt played it in forever. When mum asked what we did and I was all "played the playstation" she was all "you were supposed to be down there with your father being quality time etc." So just for clarification, Dad was playing too. He likes it probably more then us. He fights over turns just as childishly as us:

Me: *finishes entire land without dieing which means it's the next person's go*
Dad: *wasn't there when the land got started and assumes I didn't go from start to finish cos it was a hard land* uhh, end of the land, my turn! *takes controller*
Me: ok
Dad: *chuckles to self for most of turn* *eventually has to say something to rub in that he stole a turn* ha ha so..end of land huh anna..huh..
Me: yeah i went all the way through
Dad: oh. so it actually is my turn?
me: yup
Dad: *silence* this turn isn't half as sweet now that it's legitimate.

Of course the evening was filled with snide remarks directed at my failure and/or suckiness as a person.

Dad: Got your licence yet Olivia *in knowing tone*
Me: Nope
Dad: mmm didn't think so
Dad: mmm
Dad: gonna get your licence anytime soon?
Me: Probably not, kinda got more important stuff to worry about at the momet (hello? HSC mean anything to you? Do you actually know what year I'm in? seriously, last term of school EVER. Exams in some number of days that is small and I'm sure most of my grade could recite to you. Drama performances in a week and four days)
Dad: oh yes, of course hmmmm *nods knowingly and condescendingly at me*


Dad: Krysia (ex girlfriend of Dad's, incredibly paranoid and psychotic, used to tell Dad that Anna and I were trying to get rid of her amongst a variety of other psychotic attention seeking gimmicks) said to say hello
Me: *somewhat incredulously* Your still in contact with her? (she used to call him 5 times a day after they broke up until he told her she wasn't to contact him)
Dad: she's a human being Olivia *lecture tone*
Me: Right. So how is Krysia
Dad: you've got a real mean streak don't you. Why you can't just get along with people is beyond me
Me: ok
Dad: oh it's ok is it. ok.


Me: *gets in car when we're leaving*
Dad: *looks at* Oh am I taking you home too am I
Me: oh not all, I'm just coming for the ride, thought I'd stay down here
Dad: *fake shudders* don't threaten me


They were all rather subtly placed and surrounded by otherwise pleasent conversation so the night was bearable. Anna gave him the present before I got there (I came downtown with Fred and Ian after we finished drama) which shit me off, because I'm petty and if I pay for half (MORE THEN HALF) of a present, I want to be there when the person gets it. So I flipped her off a bit and then was all IT WAS FROM ME TOO. Cos I could just imagine my Dad all Olivia didn't give me a present. bla bla bla. Not that he appreciates presents or ever says thankyou:

Me: wheres the present Anna?
Anna: I already gave it to him
Me: *flips her off a bit* Yeah it was from me too
Dad: I know. I wanted Tin Snips
Me: Well you shouldve asked for Tin Snips.
Dad: I didn't realise I didn't own any until this morning


*end of visit* Me: So did you like your present
Dad: eh.
Me: why do I ask


Thursday, August 21, 2008

people are late

So I'm just going to not think about uni for a few days, so far that's working.

Because I'm such a huge procrastinator I spent an unwise majority of last night trying to reload the sims onto my nana's computer, and then our computer. It failed every time and I don't know why WHICH MAKES ME MAD. Ignoring the fact that I should have been doing something more productive then playing the sims anyway, it fucks me off exponentially when technology fails because IT SHOULD WORK DAMMIT. RAAAAA.

On a completely un-mad topic, I love nice interactions with complete strangers. It makes me feel all warm and community-like. There's a family that lives on the end of my street with two little girls about 7 and 5 maybe? I don't know them, but one day I was walking back from the shop at the end of my street with Maggie and the little girls were out the front and got all excited and wanted to play with the dog so I sat on the front lawn and let them play with her for about half and hour and their dad was all you is teh nice etc. That was like probably a year ago now and this morning I was racing down to the bus stop because I was late and he was out the front and all "running late?" and I was all "lolz yeah, hope my bus hasn't gone" and he was like if it has I'll take you to school. And I was like omg thanks! Not because it wouldve bothered me to walk, but because that's just so nice considering he doesnt even know my name. I'm guessing he remembers me as that girl with the dog from a year ago, either that or his just nice to random strangers? Anyway my bus hadn't come yet so I didn't get a lift, but whatever.

^^^I wrote that all a few days ago at school. and didn't get around to posting.

And now it's Saturday and Ian and Fred are supposed to be coming around for drama like fifteen minutes ago. Losers are late. Like I can talk, if I had to leave my house to get to drama practice I would be late. When they get here I plan on being all "jesus christ late much? I've been here for like a day waiting for you" and they will be like YOU LIVE HERE. and give me a wedgie or something because we're all very mature like that.

It was my english teachers birthday on thursday. I've bitched about him on here probably a thousand times and I think he's been a repeat winner of the 'toss of the day' (which I completely forgot about until I brought Daley up right then) Basically he's a massive bitchface toss, but somewhere deep down we all like him slightly. Like about once a month instead of telling us we're going to fail and such, he's in a really good mood and chuckles and makes jokes and we go all stockholm and 'aww mr Daley'. So we found out it was his birthday and went and got a cupcake from the canteen and planned singing happy birthday. James walked in late and walked towards him with the cup cake and he just walks away all 'sit down' and james follows so Daley turns and walks the other way all 'no. sit down. carry on. you have work' It ended up looking quite hilarious, him walking backwards and forwards across the front of the classroom trying to avoid the cupcake. So then everyone breaks out in 'happy birthday' and he's all 'um no. carry on' realises we're not going to stop so walks out of the room. We still didn't stop so he came back and shut the door and didn't come back in until we we're finished, prompting us all to crack up laughing because that was the funniest shit ever. There was a timid 'thankyou, carry on, you have work' and then he kind of held the cupcake awkwardly for a bit not knowing what to do with it, sat it on the desk and proceeded to act like it wasn't his birthday.

anyway mum's all bitching at me to get the clothes for the wash and I guess I better get dressed out of the clothes I slept in before the guys get here. much love x

Monday, August 18, 2008

and they ended up tasting shit anyway

I had one of those "omg I suck at life" epiphanies last night. It all started because Joe text me all "I am registering my university application choices" and I was all "CRAP I NEED TO DO THAT"

First I had to dig through a pile of books and papers to find the letter they sent me like a week ago telling me my pin number. I then realised that those so stupid incompetent redundent government agence very helpful fuckers people hadn't bothered to put my Student ID number on there anywhere. Which is stupid as we need both numbers to log on. I bet it would've saved basically the entire state a buttload of being pissed off if they'd addressed those damn things "dear student 123456789". Stuff is forever asking for our student ID's all of a sudden and I personally havent seen mine since back at the end of year ten when we got out school certificates, so then I had to dig through 2 years worth of pile up in my room to find my stupid school certificate. Which made me damn frustrated.

So then I was all, this should be easy, I want to do Law. simple. apply for law. right? WRONG. Where do I want to do law? Because I wanted to do it at lismore but then I saw the international studies/law double at Maquarie so I should put that first and then put lismore second. Cos I won't get into Macquarie anyway. So like it'll just be like putting lismore first? But what if I get into Macquarie, and then Joe goes to lismore or armidale and I'm in Sydney, and I'll have to pay more rent in Sydney. But what if I regret not putting macquarie down? TAKE THE PLUNGE OLIVIA BE BRAVE. Maybe I should do environmental law, that sounds cool and noble and stug. but it recommends geography and I didn't do geography. but it's not required. but I suck at geography so logically I'll hate the course. but OMG there is an international business/law double at griffith. But that's in a different state so can I still apply for it through UAC? Will I really need int business? What if I go there and I don't like it? But what if I don't and I regret it? I should go to lismore cos it's only four years! But what if international business gives me more opportunity? But what if it doesn't? What if I don't get into either of those? Should I put law in armidale or just do an arts in lismore and try to change over? OHMYGOD MY LIFE IS DOOMED TO FAIL. I happened to be texting Eleanor at this point in time and was all ohokcool.btw I SUCK AT LIFE AND THIS UNI STUFF IS SOOO CONFUSING AND IM GONNA SCREW UP AND I CANT DECIDE AND I NEED TO DO IT RIGHT NOW AND I WILL DIE SOON PROBABLY. and she was all ..uni stuff? SHIT, WHEN IS IT DUE IN I FORGOT! and I was all .....the end of september. Which was the point at which I realised that I was probably over reacting. and there was probably plenty of time. I still burst into tears when mum called and was all COME HOME FROM WORK I NEED HELP WITH MY FUTURE. and then again when Joe called.

So eventually I realised that it was like 9 or something and I hadn't eaten since work and I was hungry and also I'm a headcase and uni will just have to wait. So I was all hmm time to cook some chops and then proceeded to realise that I don't have a clue how to cook chops. So I just put them on the grill and poured some wicked awesome sweet chilli ginger and soy sauce on them (FYI: that sauce kicks arse. particularly on chops. provided you are learned in the area of cooking chops)and waited. It seemed nothing of interest was happening so I called mum:

mum: SNOBBY PLACE WHERE MY MUM WORKS THIS IS JAN *in super high false voice*
me: yo
mum: oh hi *normal voice*
me: *routinely cracks up at the voice change* um, i dont know how to cook chops
mum: .....? under the grill? Do you pay any attention to what I do?
me: Yeah I know that but what do you do?
mum: put them under the grill. and then put some oil on and then put some sauce on.
me: yeah, I already put the sauce on
mum: well just put some oil on now. And then turn them after awhile.
me: turn them?
mum: yeah you know..over..
me: RIGHT! I knew there was something I should have been doing. kbye.

end phone call.
approximately 30 seconds later.

me: uh. what oil do I use?
mum: the stuff in the yellow bottle.
me: cool. can I go to city to surf again tomorow?
mum: why?
me: Because I found and booked our accomadation and found all our train times and checked in and everything all myself and I felt competent. and I miss that right about now.

Well not right now. last night. Right now I miss sleep because after being all emotional about ridiculous things I eventually realised that I needed to fix my religion speech and didn't go to bed till way too late. goddam. xLivehh

Sunday, August 17, 2008

suck it, daycrew.

I said I'd finish talking about city2surf but I'm pretty much over it.. in short, we ran, it was sooo cold at the end yet sooo hot during the's 14km and we took basically 2 hours. which we were pretty happy with. as we are teh amatuers.

I worked most of today, so therefore this will probably end up being entirely a work-bitch post.

Firstly, all of the people working there, are living existentialism. There are a few people who are actually interesting to talk to, and then the people that I know outside of work, but so many people I have the same conversation with EVERY single week. "omg I am so hungover. I hooked up with two guys last night" yes. yes you did. like you do every saturday night, apparently. "ergh I am so tired I started at 3am!" of course you did, like you do every sunday, even though you're not rostered to start until 4.30. So don't expect me to feel sympathy for you when you chose to start early. "OMG I worked 13 hours yesterday, kill me, it's my day off!" then don't come in. there is a cult of hour-dropping "i did 13" "i started at 4.30" "i had close last night" I don't feel sympathy for any of them. You choose to do those hours, no one forces you too, and you do it because you like it and you like the attention. It's virtually impossible to get fired from that place. I work one shift a week, I haven't been fired, nor has mcDonalds collapsed. So, I don't care. I don't tell you what time I started or how many hours Ive done, so don't tell me. I don't care.

There are day-crew people and there are schoolies. Lately day-crew have been trying this them and us thing. And it's really lame. like "omg you guys don't follow proceedure you would never last on day crew hahaha" "if you schoolies weren't slack and no-showed your shifts we wouldn't have to be here" etc. Seriously guys, don't start that. Because you can't win. and also we don't care. If you're daycrew, your life is working at mcdonalds. We go to school, we intend on getting cooler jobs, we don't take this job seriously. You're probably going to spend the rest of your life working at mcDonalds. I'm not going to judge anyone for that, but don't try to make out that we are lower then you. And really, we don't take not being able to last on daycrew as an insult.

Lastly, customers, get the fuck over caring so much about fast food. I know in rushes we fuck things up, and I know the food is gross, and I know it's meant to be fast and it isn't always. But should it really ruin your day? And don't try to make it ruin mine because it won't. I understand genuine complaints, I don't care if you complain about these things, I don't care if you bring your food back cos it's cold or wrong. But when you have to wait 3minutes on fries and I'm not the person who served you and I ask if you've been served, you don't need to yell at me about how long you've waited. You can tell me nicely and I'll follow it up but save the tantrum for someone else. And then when you tell me what you ordered and I realise that the wrong burger is on your tray and swap it, thanks will suffice. Not eyerolling and telling me how fucking incompetent we all fucking are and how you regret fucking coming here. I'm glad you fucking regret it fucker, don't come back. I didn't put the wrong burger there. and to yet another fucker..if you order a small nuggets meal you will get a small nuggets meal. It is not the same as a happy meal. If you meant a happy meal and just got confused all you need to do is explain this. I will change the meal and I won't bother adjusting the price. You don't need to huff and sigh and bitch and demand. you ordered the wrong thing. check the menu bitch. And I was only on counter for like half an hour today, sheesh. it makes me love kitchen so much when I get back in there.

anyway. I needed to get that out. Now to the evergrowing pile of study shit. guh. xx

Monday, August 11, 2008

I've been terrible at updating of recent, mainly because of school and this damn HSC thing.

Society and Culture majors finally went in and now there's 3 weeks till Drama pracs (SHITTT!!) and every other subject seems intent on bucketting us with either study or assesments. guh. but enough on the whinge..


It was awesome fun :). Jack and I caught the early train down on Saturday and spent the day frollicking in Sydney. Ok so we spent most of the day on a train, some of the day sleeping and the remaining segment frollicking in Sydney. By the time we'd walked to Hyde Park from central to grab our race packs (Me: lets go grab a train to hyde Jack: it's like 2 blocks away! we can walk! Me: or we could take a 4 minute train ride and be there in 4 minutes... Jack: *wins and then complains about walking*), walked back to Paddys to eat at an awesome food court that I FUCKING SWEAR was there, but wasn't, and then went looking through shops for double sided sticky tape we were kinda like fuck this and went and slept for 2 hours. (hey we had to get up early!!) Oh and I got hit on by a bum. Which was kinda funny and kinda ew. I mean I wonder if that ever works?

"So do you come here often? to this..park bench?"

the youth hostel we stayed in was really nice. There were four beds in the room but only three of us but no one else was checked into the room when we checked in. At 9 we headed over to central to meet Shane's train, grabbed some Hungry Jacks and went back. We stood in the room for a few minutes and then Shane was all "whose bag is that?" and pointed to a random bag we had all pretty much walked over and not noticed. So we were all "uhhhh...I dont know?" And then Jack was like "omg that bed is made!! ....and been slept in?" Which cracked us up because 1) why did we not notice the made bed first? and 2) how do you check in, make your bed, nap and then leave in like 3o minutes?

So that became the amusement for the night. Shane saw the name Andrew written on the bag so they started reffering to him as if they knew him, like:

Shane: I'm bored let's go out

Jack: what if Andrew comes?

Me: Don't call him that!

Shane: it's his name!

Me: yeah and he's going to come in and your going to be like, hey andrew and he will be like omg stalker!

Jack: omg can we be like "hi andrew, what's your name"

Me: no!

Shane's nagging us to go out eventually won me over because I've always wanted to see whether I can get away with pretending I'm 18 at pubs, and as I will be 18 soon, time is limited. This outnumbered Jack so we ended up going to a random pub at the end of the block, which seemed like a good idea originally but we walked in and everything was really quite, and everybody looked up at us. resisting the temptation to be all fuck this and bail out I tried to put on my best "hello I am 18" look. which probably just made me look constipated. Seconds after sitting down the bouncer was all over us all ID! and Jack and Shane were all *flashes licences* and I was all "onoz I left my ID at the hotel!" obviously not to convincingly because he gave me a your a dickhead look and was all "No ID no booze" so I guess fail. We got over it pretty soon after that cos there were security out front of most of the bars and as Jack rationalised, none of us actually wanted to drink.

We got back and went to sleep after several conversations along the lines of "omg where is andrew" "he'll be so tired tomorow!" "yeah but he had that nap" etc. He ended up coming in at like midnight. and then repeatedly getting up and down which woke me up so I then I had to go pee and I was all "hey by the way! I'm Olivia" and he's all "Hi I'm Andrew!" which made me want to laugh. And basically had a conversation with him at like 1.30am about powerpoints and what time we were getting up. Then he was gone when we woke up. Jack maintains he doesn't exist, as he never actually saw him. I write this blog in a testament to Andrew's existence!

This blog is getting way long and I need to do stuff, so I will mention one more thing and leave the rest till later...

Breakfast at the hostel was one of those pay this much and get options thingies. So the options were like "tea or coffee" etc.

Now tea or coffee makes sense, because I doubt anyone would want to drink coffee and tea. But then there was "Orange Juice or Muesli Bar" wtf?? You don't drink a muesli bar or drink orange juice so that just weirded me out. We ended up getting both in exchange for not having tea or coffee which was all yays!

I'll talk about the actual race tomorow..xx

Thursday, August 7, 2008

can I just say, fuck school events. I can handle cross country and swimming carnivals and stuff, but we had this 'expo' today, and to be honest I don't even get what it is supposed to be. In the morning some bishop inspired us. By which I mean gave us yet another boring speech about boring things that is intended to make us want to go out and change the world, which we have had about 9485720394 of this year already. Basically the speech went like this:

"Chuckle Chuckle yes mr chaplainofmyschool you DID stalk me haa. yes I am a bishop, i dont know whether that was because of something good I did or something bad. and other such completely unhilarious quips. I have many telescopes. Jesus walked on earth, that is very mind boggling. The universe is a large place with many stars. you are a walking universe with all your dna. also the universe is a large sandy earth with all it's stars. people ask do i believe in global warming? well i say, i am not going to answer that because it doesnt matter whether I believe in it, because it exists whether I do or not* also the same goes for christianity. Christianity will not die. There are probably other lifeforms in the universe but there are also probably not. Also neither of these situations is possible."

Except it went for two whole periods. sigh. but that was the basic gist of it.

*and now I use my star. This part pissed me off. Firstly because of his stupidity, in saying that he wasn't going to comment on whether he did or didn't believe in christianity and global warming because they existed whether he believed in them or not. Because that statement is just saying "why yes, I do believe in them". And secondly, because of his arrogance in assuming that what is his belief and opinion, is completely correct. Ok, so because you believe in something that makes it factual truth? Why because you are a bishop? Or just because you have that large of an ego? I'm not going to argue whether global warming or christianity exist because I don't really care at this point. I don't care whether or not christianity exists at all, and global warming I'll deal with after I write my bitch blog. But regardless, there are still people in the world that believe in or don't believe in both and I'm sure atleast some of them have valid well thought out arguments for their beliefs. The truth is relative and some random doesn't have the right to say that his opinion dictates it, even if he is a bishop that looks at stars.

So after this in the day of expo we were supposed to go over to the civic centre to practice for expo part 2 which is tonight. It is called 'it's showtime' and all the music and drama people are suppposed to be performing things. Which lead to my argument with my drama teacher yesterday, in the spirit of Fred and I deciding we're calling her Lisa to piss her god complex off, she will be referred to as lisa:

Lisa: you guys are performing your group prac at its showtime
Me: No we're not
Lisa: yes you are
Me: No, I have economics chat and I can't miss it because we have our trial on monday
Lisa: I dont care. Your performing
Me: No im not! I need to go to chat
Lisa: I dont care about chat, shut up, your name is going on the program
Me: ok well then you will have a program with mistakes on it because I am not coming
Lisa: yes you are you are slack bla bla bla bla
Me: OMG I HATE YOU bla bla bla bla bla

Evidently she realised that I wasn't coming because when period three was starting today mr substitute-teacher found me and fred and ian and was like yeah I have you guys now for drama, everyone else is at the civic centre. And Ian was like yeah I am a singer, kbye. So fred and I went to the library and wrote our performance into a script, which was oddly productive, seeing as we have wasted the year up till now.

Recess on was a series of lameness. there were displays of work all over the school and copius amounts of parents. There was karaoke, touch football, a "cheer off", the music classes played, there were retarded maths competitions and science experiment demonstrations. It was about no degrees warm so mainly we just huddled together trying to keep out of the wind for an entire day. I hate to admit it but I missed classes so much. It was like, ahhh class where I am not completely bored, I am warm and I feel like I am actually doing something productive. For you know, this whole pending HSC thing. The most productive thing I did today was locate my 5 year old cousin for my uncle. When I first saw him he was all "have you seen noah? they all look the same?" and I was all "nah check the library, goodluck I'll keep an eye out" then I was in the library and saw him and was all *dives* "NOAH!" (because they totally do all look the same, it was just a conglomerate of green jumpers and hair) and he was all "livi!!!" and I was all "have you seen your dad yet?" and he was all "daddy's here? where? daddy! daddy! daddy!" and i was like "um yeah, I'll try and find him" so I eventually located my uncle on the other side of the library and I was like "I found him! ..except now I don't know where he is.." eventually we found him again and I said cya and went over to my friends. About ten minutes later my uncle walks past "found him liv" "uh..yeah I know?" *silence* "oh yeah! you were there!" ..right.

By the end of the day I was ready to stab the next person to say "school spirit" but Fred and I did get a fair bit of our drama script written up. which we had to sneak into the library to do!! the fuck!?! For the first time ever the librarian was like no you can't do work go away. I think it was probably the first time ever for us asking to do work too, but you know, hsc is soo close. So we waited until she left and snuck back into the library past the trillions of parents to finish it. rebels that we are.

Well I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep..city2surf this weekened!! woot I can't wait. xLivi

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I wrote this yesterday, I don't know why I didnt post it?

I had the worst nights sleep in the world last night. Hyperbole allowed for, it was fairly well sleepless. Firstly, we have this painful society and culture major work aka PIP due in on monday, so of course I've had to actually you know, start it. I kid, I'd done all the research I've just spent the last week writing it all up. So I didn't actually make it to bed till after midnight because I was doing that. My dog sleeps inside because she's all 'im scared of the cold/outside' and we couldn't be bothered trying to put her outside like that. Anyway, she has to sleep in the non bedroom part of the house, and she knows that. But ofcourse, I never remember to shut the door into the hallway when I'm last to go to bed. Even more so when I'm tired from doing to much of my stupidly retarded waste of time research project which is simultaneously boring and pointless Pip. So every time the door is left over Maggie follows the exact same routine

A guide to managing to sleep in Olivia's bedroom, by Maggie

1. Wait until the precise moment that Olivia falls asleep. I have no idea how I do this but no matter whether she falls straight asleep or lays awake for hours I know when she is asleep. I have never attempted to sneak into her while she was awake. Although it would probably humorous if I did sneak in, under the assumption she was asleep and she was like hiding behind the door or something

2. Subtly walk into her room, whilst making a loud scraping noise whilst squishing through the slightly ajar door. Rustle around room in a search for ideal sleeping location. Try to step on any plastic bags or similar materials that will make a fucking lot of noise. continue this until Olivia sits up.

3. When you see that Olivia is awake, be very very very still. It is of utmost importance that you don't move. For some reason I think that by doing this, Olivia will be tricked into believing that the noises are not in fact me, they are some other phenomenen. And also I will blend into her bedroom. Or perhaps she will think I am dead. I do not know. I am also under the impression that if Olivia is foiled by my clever disguise, she is awake enough to be bothered hauling arse out of bed and making me go back into the lounge room.

4. Olivia is clearly foiled by my clever disguise as she doesn't kick me out of the room. She does however say Magdafucker jayde you fucker! I don't fucking care if your in my room as long as you sit the fuck down and let me sleep. FUCK. My guess is that Magdafucker jayde you fucker is some specimen which also tries to sleep in her room, but is obviously invisible and that she allows to sleep in there. It's funny that this specimens name 'Magdafucker Jayde you fucker' is so similar to my own, "Magdalen Jayde"

5. Now is the time to go to sleep in my carefully selected position and be quite for about an hour.

6. After this, I will execute part 2 of the plan, to ultimately sleep on Olivia's bed. Ignoring the fact that Olivia has already been woken up once I take a brave leap onto her bed. This action is typically met with a similar address as above, however Olivia is still too tired to push me off her bed, luckily. Because by the sounds of it I sure am an ungrateful fucker that deserves to sleep outside.

7. For the rest of the night it is essential to take all measures possible to locate the exact most comfortable spot in Olivia's room. This will involve much moving and turning and even at times trying to shove Olivia out of her place, just in case that is the most comfortable place.

Somewhere amongst the acting out of part 7, I woke up in a panic because it occured to me that the USB that I had saved my PIP on was probably destroyed somehow. And I would receive no marks and fail the hsc and end up driving a garbage truck. HAHA LIKE I COULD DRIVE A TRUCK I CANT EVEN DRIVE A CAR. As this scenario was so definately likely, I had to get up and turn the computer back on and copy all my files onto it, just in case. Because I'm sure it couldnt have waited till the morning. I think by the time morning came I was more tired then I was when I went to bed.
