Saturday, May 31, 2008

Is it just me, or are the fuckers multiplying?

I wrote most of this on Saturday and then finished it today :)...

How amazing is this? I didn't write a blog yesterday! We went to the uni at newy to see 'opening a fuzzwallops frame of mind' which was really good, I could do a full like review, but whatever, we pretty much just did that for like an hour after the play so I couldn't be bothered. All in all, I thought it was a good representation and interpretation of the play, there are parts of the play I don't like and there were a couple of actors that irked me but all over it was well done, and rock on to Slinky and his gun-crotched friend for their directing skillz.

Moving on, I had 7-11 at work today, and, well, bitch please. Murray the owner-turned-store-manager-because-no-other-store-manager-can-last was working from like 10 and kitchen had been asking for drinks since like, forever. But as usual at that shit hole it's like, no you can't have drinks, you haven't worked hard enough. WTF, we're working in a fucking kitchen and we can't have a drink of water? Fucker. And also, worked hard enough my arse, we're on bullshit money anyway. Prisoners of War have a basic right to water, we are treated worse then prisoners of war!

10 minutes before changeover from breakfast to lunch Jolly asked for drinks, and they were all no, after change over. (because water doesnt work in the 10 minutes leading up to changeover?) Then they steamed the egg grill, I'll add without telling Addison and I who were making the damn burgers, so we end up running out of eggs, and the whole time we were like WE NEED MORE EGGS FUCKERS WE WILL RUN OUT and no one made any and then there were none left at all. So Murray gave birth everywhere all wtf learn to communicate, and of course, noone's making eggs anyway everyone's just telling everyone else that we're out of eggs and Murray's in the middle of the kitchen screaming placenta everywhere in this completely fit of stress.

So finally someone cooks some eggs and counters all "fuckers wheres the food?". Murray's alternating between almost crying and yelling blame all over the place because, a customer might have to wait 3 minutes for their burger, the world will definately end, how can we go on?!?!!1!!?!eleven!!! And lunch was ready to sell but Murray wouldn't give the ok to sell it, so instead of getting like half breakfast half lunch we were still getting full breakfast, and I was like fuck it, we need to sell lunch, Murray we're selling both? Executive decisious that I had no authority to make but he was losing his shit and it was the only thing that made sense. And he was all OMGCUSTOMERISWAITAAHHHHEGGS. So then, miraculously, we were getting shit all breakfast orders because duh, lunch is nicer anyway, and Murray's asking whether we will need anymore eggs. If we cut on breakfast no, if we don't I don't know so it's probably better to cook some. I thought that was pretty straightforward and easy to understand. But he's all like, well can we cut? Those people out there might want breakfast? Are they ordering breakfast? Do we need eggs, DO WE NEED EGGS? Murray, I do not know what those people want to eat. Why the fuck would I know that.

Anyway eventually all that got sorted and everything was all good and Jolly was asking for drinks again and they were like no, get that stuff out to washup. Then 10 minutes after that it was no, not until you clean up. And I was like, fuck this, we don't have a crapload of orders, there is no reason why we can't have a drink, everyone is like dying. So I was like, No! Adam, kitchen needs drinks NOW! and he's all..yeah, when it's clean. and i'm like, WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THREE HOURS! WE NEED DRINKS. And then Murray's all *bursts out of I dont know where* RAAA WORK I DONT LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE or something, I dont remember what he said, it was something along the attitudes of fuck you angry. And I was like, we have been asking for drinks for three hours, we need them, now. and he was all ra and I was all ra, and he was all GET IN THE OFFICE NOW!. and I was like OK!.

So he screamed at me and threatened to fire me and all this bullshit, and I hate people like that, he thinks that because he is the owner of the place he can bully the crew into being abused. Access to water is a basic right, but he scares everyone into not getting it, and why? Why does it hurt him that we drink? Because he is fascistly running McDonald's, I've gotta say that's rather messed. And people just don't stand up for their basic rights, I know he isn't going to fire me, there is no way he is going to fire me, he can't fire me, I haven't done anything wrong, yet he threatens it to just get his way and gets away with it. It's pathetic. Anyway I argued, and I argued damn well, I brought up all the bullshit that they do to crew and get away with and he blamed it on our shitty work ethic and said that we shouldnt need a drink on a four hour shift anyway. WTF. But he ended up all yeah I see your point *hugs* and its like, wtf, you were screaming at me two seconds ago. Considering we were yelling for 15 minutes (score thats like, 15mins being paid to yell/get yelled at)

I ended up being pretty shaken up and all teary and I walked out of the office and everyone was like OMG *fives* and Jolly was all you're representing! and Stace gave me a drink and Aiden was like *hugs* and it's like, I love you guys, you're the reason I still work here. Apart from not being fucked to find another job cos I have my hsc to worry about and wanting money of course. But all in all, I was glad I stood up, because I'm sick of us getting pushed around and bullshit like not getting drinks is not going to happen when I'm there. The last time they tried to do that me Cam and Trevor walked out on our close. Take that, bitches.

And also, who said I wasn't rebel huh? You're not rebel, fucker. Just because I'm not a pretentious beligerent rebel-without-a-cause doesnt mean I don't rock when the time is right.

Anyway, enough of work bitching, because it is teh lamo. Twas Mitri's partay last night and it was pretty fun, notably Timmy hilariously pissed and the fun of dressing up as John Lennon in a seargent pepper's suit. I'M NOT HARRY POTTER.

Me: Hurry up Tyson bla bla bla

Tyson: Watch out! Voldemort's behind you!

Harry Potter may have had rounded glasses but he never wore a pepper suit! Lol.

I'll tell you what I'm completely sick of though, the inner bitchiness of our group. I'm going to bitch about it on the internet because 1) pretty much no one reads this anyway and 2) If anyone does happen to find this, read something about themselves and get offended then: You are fucking retarded! You are bitching just as bad and worse, in amongst everyone behind peoples backs and you know very well that I am doing the same thing because someone probably bitched it to you. But for some reason it's all taboo to be direct about it.

I was pissed off at Lizzy for, really, completely irrelevent reasons mainly concerning her perception of me and my irritation at such, and I was bitching about it to Jack and Timmy. Well Jack mainly because Timmy was rolling around drunk. And I think Palmo was there, asking who Lucy was. Anyway then Lizzy came up to the door and of course everyone does the hush hush thing and Lizzy was like ..were you bitching about me? and I dont know why, probably because I was really pissed off and also jack of all the backstabbing shit, but I was just like "yeah actually, I was" and she was like "oh" and then after awhile I was like, yeah I'm probably going to start again in about 2 minutes so if you want to stay and listen you're quite welcome. Anyway she pissed off and I got all the death stares and bitchy looks in the world from Milly, and probably the rest of the group but I mainly saw Milly's, and well, it irks me. because the way I see it, what is the difference between:

a) bitching about somebody behind their back, lieing about it when confronted pretending to be teh bff, probably bitching about someone else, then when the person leaves resuming bitching.

and b) what I did

It's probably just me, but I hate two-faced bitches, who act like they're your friend and blatantly lie to you. That said, I still consider Liz my friend, I was just irked at her that night. And it irritated the hell out of me that all the bitches that are constantly doing it a) get on their high horses and condemn me for doing it b) whilst comforting the victim of my attack via bitching about me, when yesterday they were bitching about her to me. I'm not saying I was doing the right thing, but atleast I can be upfront about being a bitch. And I dont preach. Fucking backstabbing hipocrits.

well thats me vented and I get this feeling that this blog is like supermassive, but oh well, I wrote it over two days I guess, so if anyone reads all the way to here, congratulations and thankyou! xLivi

Thursday, May 29, 2008

dearest former self, holstein lurves you

I went back to sleep after i woke up this morning (as i do practically what, every morning?) this system works well most mornings because my sister gets up and watches tv while i sleep. Then at like 8 or something she'll come in and be like uhh fuck? the time! So we both mad rush around getting ready, scrambling for the shower,fighting over brushes, slamming clothes on, i tear out the door and race down to the shop to get money out for our lunches while she locks all the doors and we both skid in at the bus stop at 8.25 as it drives up. Like I said, this works well for us. Mum of course thinks we stay up from when she leaves work, dont watch any tv, iron our clothes and make ourselves nutritious lunches. Baha what a croc.

Anyway, foolproof system failed this morning because mum wasn't at work so at like 8.30 she realised i was still asleep and was like THA FUCK GET OUT OF BED WHOREFACE (yes, for the sake of my blog, all other people speak guttertrash like me, work with it) and so then she was all shitted off with me and we were running late and she was all we're leaving NOW so i had to run and superfast brush my teeth jump into my shoes and i tear out the door and she drives off and i fucking swear she saw me but no. so i was like arghhH! and went back inside and fumed and felt sorry for myself. and then I was like, goddammit i have Society first, I cant be late so i rung her and was like "omg you left and i was just there thats not fair boohoo" so she came back and i ran out and slammed the door behind me and she was like GO BACK AND CLOSE THAT and i was like I JUST DID CLOSE IT! and so then she drove off again! OhMyGod! And i went back inside, and yes the door was open, but i meant to shut it. sheesh.

So after sulking and whinging and just generally feeling sorry for myself i finally realised mum wasnt coming back and so I started walking to school. So I'm walking along with my breakfast of Vanilla Slice and Coke that i picked up on my way past the shop and then along the road is all these workmen and trucks and stuff and the footpath was like a tunnel through these two walls of workers and equipment. So i was all whatevers and started walking through and I'm like a third of the way through when i see my Dad walk around from one of the trucks. Goddammit why didnt i notice that they were Energy Australia trucks?!?! So at this point I'm completely frozen, Dad's still got his back to me so I'm trying to work out how I can possibly get past and avoid being seen, because, by this point I'm a good hour late to school already and still have 40 minutes to walk, he would freak. But seriously, what can i do? How am i supposed to back out of this tunnel of productivity without looking incredibly weird. And then Tricky turns around and is like "Heyy!! Olivia!" and then it was a series of "Hey it's Theo's daughter" "haha not a good day to be late hey hahahaha" and my Dad's all *turns around* and all looking at his watch 3 times to see if it was just joking the first two times and I'm like, oh fuck. But with all considered, he was decent about it and just like why are you late? Olivia it's nearly ten!! And then he was like, hey Tricky i'll just be five k, and gave me a lift too school, which was pretty nice. So all in all it saved me walking, and he only spent about half of the time lecturing me about how I'm a screw up.

You know, its weird. I seem to have like mum days and dad days. For the most part, Mum's the parent thats actually being decent, but it's like the days she chooses to be a fuckface Dad's being supernice. well, supernice for Dad. And Mum flirts with the fuckface line a fairbit too, but you know.

Anyway so of course I get to school right at the end of Society, I wouldve missed it completely but for some reason that i naturally and narcissistically assume was to spite me, period 1 got extended. I could practically feel the daggers Mrs Holstein was shooting at me with her eyes as i walked through the door and i got a huge speech after class in which she ended up getting all upset because i suggested that she suggested that i was being late on purpose, and then the speech concluded with a vengence on the new Olivia because she liked the old Olivia. I guess I'll let her know, she might appreciate the compliment?

hmm, so thats my day, well the start of it at any rate but the rest was fairly well routine, no more suprise father occurences.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blasted Technology

Want to know what irks me more then anything else in the world?
Probably not. But I'm going to tell you anyway.
Technology failing.

ok so first was my phone. For like 3 days i couldnt get service ANYWHERE. And it had nothing to do with being out of service because i would hold my phone next to someone else's phone who had full service and my phone would still be like, nope I'm gonna be a stubborn fuck and not get any service, purely to spite you. Thanks bitch. and then whoever elses phone was there would be like the goody two shoe's of the class not failing in having complete service and being all prissy and glowing about it. YES PHONES CAN BE PRISSY.

Anyway then the internet at school today wouldnt work. It started in extension when Jord tried to get onto Google and he was like "Google's not working" and i was like "omg fuck what" because when Googles not working you know somethings wrong in the world. So then we ended up talking about how Google will overtake the world and contemplated that it would really be the best target for a terrorist. Come on, the world would die without google! and basically, not doing out work. But what is new in extension? We barely have a teacher.

So I didnt really mind that the internet wasnt working until the end of the lesson when i thought "hey wow that lesson was like semi productive, even without the internet, now i'll just go onto the internet and send all the work home" "hmm, the internet sure doesnt seem to be loading very fast or at all, thats really annoying, i wish it would hurry up so i could send that work home that i so successfully did even without the internet" etc. seriously. it took me ages. and then i was like RA I'm mad. but in reality i should be grateful (like the dead baha,herm) because now i have a valid reason to not do extension. well not really. but whatever.

anyways, to work! x

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Us and Them

Being the dedicated blogger I am (ha thats a joke i've never been dedicated to anything in my life) i am posting again XD

mainly, because i want to bitch about something (why else, why else.)

Aboriginal issues in Australia have been becoming more and more predominant within the media of late, i think the issue now is not so much racism focused but on inequality. oh man i sound like a society and culture textbook, whatever. But in all seriousness, the facts are plain, you cant argue with statistics and numbers:

Aboriginal people do have a drastically lower life expectancy
There are less college graduates
They do earn less money
There are greater reports of violence, abuse and alcoholism within Aboriginal communities.

I am NOT being racist. I am laying out the statistics, i am not generalising about Aboriginal people. I know and respect several aboriginal people, and i don't think that they are necessarily affected by these things. However, the statistics say there is a problem, so i think it needs solving.

I was watching Enough Rope with Andrew Denton last night with Mum, and the young Australian of the year for 2007 Tania Major, who is aboriginal and speaks out about aboriginal issues was being interviewed. She mentioned some facts about how she is the only one out of her class that got a college education and basically, did anything with her life. and mums like "now, my question is. if she can do it, why cant the rest of them?" and then Tania spoke about the problems developing from the attitudes within the Aboriginal society, the mentality of "i'm black, people owe me something, i have to act like this" mum was like "MMM" in agreence. I guess i haven't conveyed it very well here because she was speaking very much in tone and reaction, and, my mum as a representative, i see the attitude of white society in general an issue. They treat it as if they are being blamed, they are automatically defensive and illuminate how it is the fault of the aboriginal society rather then them. They look for faults in the arguments and re-iterate the old discriminations, highlighting how the statistics confirm that the prejudices are correct.

"They want to be treated equal but they want special privelages as well"
"you give them money and they just spend it on alcohol and drugs"
"if they want to be treated as part of our society they should integrate into it"
"we're not allowed to discriminate against them but theyre allowed to discriminate against us"

I hate that. I hate the 'them and us' mentality. It's not helpful. and it irritates me because its all part of the cycle that keeps inequality happen.

nobody is saying that the situation today is because white people invaded. its a result of the series of events that took place as a result of that. It's because of how history has happened up until now. No one is blaming you, and trying to take away your "rightful" status us middle class white tax-paying citizen, get over it. Mostly, we just want to and need to fix it, and its attitude that destroys the chances we have. Attitudes from white people and attitudes from black people.

That was very much a textbook essay kind of rant but it bothered me so i felt the need to literate it.

Aside from that, my day was pleasant. FIB's was good, the year nine drama kids came for the first time today and it went really well (more so then i expected) they're really good, and im respecting alot of them as performers already.

It's mine and Joey's five-month tomorow *squee* and i know it's probably lame to count months, but im a teen, months are big. It should be scary that I'm this far into a relationship, and I know I would find it scary because thats how I am, if it was anyone else but him. I'm realising more and more that we really are meant to be together, and I love it. and i know five months isnt "this far into a relationship" but its big for me.

anyway, i guess thats all, adios Livi

Monday, May 26, 2008

fuck mondays.

erghh i had the most horrible day today. And i feel like i keep telling people this and i am taking the form of one of the irritating whinging people who i despise most of all. So therefore, i will write about it, and hopefully not need to tell anyone else about. With the exception of my mum, but purely to make her feel guilty because she just rung my mobile and it was like

"GET OFF THE PHONE NOW!*in ra i hate you bitch mum voice*"
"ra ra ra ra you are bad and irresponsible and should be doing homework"
so i was all fuck you and hung up.

because, the fuck? i wasnt on the phone in the first place. And she could have said hello and then asked why i was on the phone (which i wasnt!) or something because I HAD A BAD DAY BE NICE TO ME! so now she can hear just how horrible it is and feel bad about making me feel worse. and in turn i will feel better. ah the world is perfect.

Anyway, my bad day started with being uber tired, leading to one of those (completely self inflicted but i dont care) moods where absolutely every little thing irritates me really strongly.Then i was getting into the car and i dropped my extension folder and shit went everywhere and i was like OHMYGODFUCK. because then it was all out of order and we were running late and i didnt have time to work it all out so i just chucked all in the boot of the car and got in the car and started crying. seriously, who cries over english extension? headcase! and Maggie jumped up on me and i was like get the fuck off me you stupid bitch! fuck! and she was like *gets on floor and gives me really hurt look* and mum was like "Liv she can just see that your upset" so then i felt absolutely terrible because i love that dog more then most people.

Anyway so then we had to go and pick Anna up and we were late as above, and she was all onoz you were so late you are the devil. i couldve spaceshipped myself to school or got a lift with paris hilton but i was like no, i am getting a lift with you and now im late and its all your fault that i didnt take the spaceship and my life is over you ish teh ruinz it emocutz.
yeah, whatever. Just blame us, because its not your fathers responsibility to get you too school or anything, lets ignore the fact that your in his rostered time but Mums taking you to school anyway (YOUR making ME late bitch) and blame us instead of your our irresponsible-selfabsorbed-vindictive-prick father.

And then things just continued to bother me, like my sandwhich wasnt wrapped properly (?) and basically anything anyone said. Joe made things better by hugging me alot and being understanding instead of being like "fuck up loser" which he wouldve been quite within rights of saying. Except then we got into trouble for "disobeying the hands off policy" off mrs Hall because he hugged me. and he was all wtf she was crying! And she was like i dont give a shit. thanks, bitch. i hope your horse dies or something and then you can be all boo hoo chookbum boo hoo and im gonna be like ooh I DONT CARE! *pokes out tongue* ok no i wont, i love you chookbum, dont die.

I was bitching about something completely irrational with absolutely no support material at recess, and i made some completely way out statement and Bree was like uhh well actually. and i was like *death glare*. and bree was like i mean yes yes that is exactly what happened *pulls serious face. and then we both cracked up. oh i love being humoured. and i love that my friends love me enough to just put up with my shit and manage to make me laugh.

So all in all, i guess the day wasnt too bad, because at the end of it i realised, that i have a great boyfriend and great friends and they will get me through anything and love me anyway and are always there for me.

aw, isnt that just throw up worthy?

ergh, logbook ahoy! x

Sunday, May 25, 2008

fare thee well solitaire

Ok so...I decided to start a blog :) (why thankyou captain obvious) oh, oh! Shall we explore the identity of captain obvious? Seriously guys (er who am i writing this too? whatever) is he a military captain, a superhero or a pirate? Perhaps we will never know...

Anyway, part of me is in opposition to doing this because it seems so self-indulgent but I rationalise, I'm not forcing anyone to read it. I'm not assuming you care about anything I write about (again, who is you?) I'm writing this because i like to write. And I'm almost always spouting prose or conversation within my head, anyway. So it's probably beneficial to use my insanity to the cause of my writing skillzz. Or atleast practice a little for the HSC. Oh yeah, that's the sensible reason I'm in opposition to doing this, err I should be studying. Fuck you all. I don't care. (okyesidoimsorrydontholditagainstmeuaiiwantmesomelawplz)

But anyways, I was having a particularly extended shower- you know the really really good ones that you always feel guilty about because, the environment!!! well atleast I do, because I'm a greenie in theory, or, more to the point, I'd like to be a greenie but I'm too lazy. And in my defense i worked 12 hours at McDonalds today, so i needed extra cleaning time. Ok so I suck at being a greeny (fuck i dont even know how to spell it) . My theory is if I skip a shower one day I can indulge in a long shower the next day without guilt. It's like saving up fly-buys but with shower points. But I've been showering frequently of late so I had to resort to the I worked like a bitch excuse. Yeah ok I even suck at being a poser greenie. Maybe I should just accept my fate and start eating all my meals off paper plates.

I really dont remember the point.

oh yeah, so I argued with myself in the shower and determined that if I gave up solitaire I could indulge in the more profitable procrastination of blogging (come on anything is more profitable than solitaire) and I'm not replacing like a 10 minute hobby with a *insert-however-many-time-this-blog-will-take-here* habbit. Oh I'm a hardcore solitaire addict. Back off all you ice junkies. I shoot solitaire! Rawr. I'm even considering starting a game now. Twitch. Why don't they have a solitaire quitline? Oh shut up Olivia.

I think opening blogs are supposed to give some sort of a bio/summary of person or such. And to this i say, ehhhhhh soo lame. They're always so one-dimensional and blerh and cliche. ohallidoiswhinge!! Fuckkkk I suck at blogging. anyway, erm, I'm Olivia (Livi) im currently doing my HSC (ahburn,ithurts!) Uhh people in my life that matter: My completely awesome (I'll refrain from too much ickiness on the internetland) boyfriend Joey, my Friends who I'd love to all mention individually but it would just be too hard, they know who they are. Well alot of them think they know who they are, some of which are irritating twits. You know if you know the real me. And to the close ones, the 'sisterhood' etc, I heart you guys, and you know it. And like, my family, duh, but shhh I'm a teenager please.

Anyway, that was all fairly well content empty but it wasted my time sufficiently, and as I woke up 18 hours ago (iunno how many hours I'm usually awake, so for affect(effect? I really dont know(Is it ok to put brackets inside of brackets?(lol if it's not I screwed up(shut up you're not funny anymore)(oh god how many do i have to put here now?))))))))))that'll do. Oh god I annoy myself such. Oh right. The point. I woke up at 4am beotches. Non sleep superiority for all!

I think the point actually is i'm leaving. To sleep.

Aaaand who still hasnt done either of their drama logbooks? (thankyou new found procrastination)


(yes im xx ing to no one in particular. bite me)